The ProviderHub administrator

To use ProviderHub, your business needs to appoint at least one ProviderHub administrator. Having more than one is useful if someone is away. Here’s everything you need to know about being a ProviderHub administrator. 

On this page

    Introducing the ProviderHub administrator

    Video transcript for Introducing the ProviderHub administrator

    Kia ora koutou katoa,
    it's Christine Morris from ACC here.
    Each business who joins ProviderHub will need
    at least one administrator.
    Your ProviderHub administrator is responsible
    for approving
    who can access the different tasks and forms
    on ProviderHub for your business.
    For example, you may not want your whole team
    to access client claim information.
    The person doing your invoicing
    may only need to create and send us invoices
    and have the ability
    to search for remittance information.
    Your administrator will set access permissions
    to make sure they can only access what they need
    to do their job.
    As your team changes, your administrator can approve
    new colleagues’ access to ProviderHub tasks
    or remove a colleague's access if their role changes
    or they leave the business.
    Choosing your ProviderHub
    administrator is an important decision,
    as they'll have access to all the tasks
    your business is able to use on ProviderHub.
    Look for someone in your
    team who is trusted, responsible,
    and willing to help solve any ProviderHub problems
    your colleagues may have.
    If you're a larger business with many ProviderHub users,
    it's likely you’ll need more than one administrator.
    If you work on your own, you'll be able to take on
    the administrator role yourself.
    We're here to support your ProviderHub administrators
    to make sure they're able to support your business.
    For more information about ProviderHub administrators,
    please check out the ProviderHub section
    of our website.
    Ngā mihi nui.

    As part of a business' move to ProviderHub, they’ll be asked to nominate at least one person as their ProviderHub administrator. The role of a ProviderHub administrator(s) is to manage colleagues’ access to the different tasks you can complete on ProviderHub for your business. If you’re a sole trader, you may be both the administrator and the only ProviderHub user.  

    As a ProviderHub administrator, you’ll be able to: 

    • invite new users to join ProviderHub  
    • manage (accept or decline/remove) colleague’s individual task access permissions 
    • offboard colleagues when they no longer require access to ProviderHub, or leave the business.  

    For each business joining ProviderHub, we'll be in touch by email with an authorised person (often the business owner), asking them to let us know who they want to name as their ProviderHub administrator(s). We will then send the nominee an email with a unique code which they'll need to verify by logging into ProviderHub. This code will be valid for up to seven days.  

    From there, the ProviderHub administrator will have access to all the information and functionality needed for your business and can begin inviting other team members to join. Once everybody in your business is set up in ProviderHub, user management for the administrator will be quick and easy. 

    Your responsibilities as a ProviderHub administrator 

    As a ProviderHub administrator, you’ll be responsible for managing which tasks your colleagues can access on behalf of a business. As part of this, you’ll approve (or decline) colleague requests to access the different financial or ACC claim/health related tasks your colleagues need to use to do their jobs. For example, a worker in a finance role may only need access to submit and check on invoices, while a health provider needs to be able to submit a claim but may not need to create invoices. 

    Admin thumbnail

    Guide: ProviderHub administrator

    We’ve created a guide, to walk you through the sign-up process, onboarding your colleagues, and more.  

    Download pdf 904 KB

    Email template

    We’ve also created an email template you can use when inviting your colleagues to join ProviderHub. Click to open this below and copy/paste this to use when communicating with your colleagues.

    Subject line: It’s time for you to register to use ACC’s ProviderHub 

    Kia ora [insert name], 

    [Insert business name] has now registered to use ProviderHub, ACC’s new online self-service platform. We will use ProviderHub to submit invoices and other tasks like downloading remittance advice or information related to client claims. 

    I am [insert business name]’s ProviderHub administrator, which means I will manage your and other colleagues’ access to the different actions or tasks you can perform on the platform.  

    Now it’s time for you to register to use ProviderHub.  

    1. Sign up to ProviderHub using My Health Account Workforce to verify your identity ProviderHub | Login
    2. Log in to ProviderHub, go to the Task access page and add our Vendor ID [insert your Vendor ID number].
    3. Select and request access to the tasks or actions you need to do on ProviderHub.
    4. You will receive an email notification once I have approved your task access request, and you can start using the platform. 

    For more information about ProviderHub and how we can use it, visit ACC’s website ProviderHub. 

    For access to training guides for using ProviderHub, visit 

    If you have any questions or need any help to understand what is happening, please email me. 

    Ngā mihi,  

    [Insert your name] 

    Contact us

    You can contact us if you have any questions.


    Last published: 13 February 2025