How your recovery at work team supports you

Recovering from an injury can be challenging. But with the right team in place to support you, you can make a full recovery while at work. Find out how your employer, health provider and ACC all have a role to play in your recovery.

On this page

    Our role in helping you get back to work

    We can help if you need:

    • work-focused rehabilitation
    • financial support
    • personalised care plans
    • help getting to and from work.

    Support we offer

    Weekly compensation for your income

    If you’re working reduced hours or alternative duties, your employer can pay you for the productive hours. We can top up that up with weekly compensation of up to 80% of your pre-injury earnings. This means you could receive up to 100% of your pre-injury income.

    As you continue to recover and can do more of your usual work, the amount of weekly compensation we pay will reduce based on the income you receive from your employer.

    If you receive both weekly compensation from us and wages from your employer, it means you have two sources of income. One of them will need a secondary tax code. Contact Inland Revenue about your tax codes.

    Apply for weekly compensation through MyACC or by contacting us.

    Learn how to apply for weekly compensation

    Learn about and log in to MyACC

    Getting to and from work

    We may be able to help organise and contribute towards transport costs to get you to and from work. This includes buses, trains, taxis, or the use of a private car. 

    Setting up your workstation

    If a medical professional recommends special equipment to help you recover at work, we may be able to help. We can sort out modified equipment for your workspace like specialised chairs or keyboards. 

    Checking-in on your recovery progress

    We’ll support you with a rehabilitation programme. This is designed to help you recover from your injury while at work. As you progress through your recovery, we can update your rehabilitation plan. This might gradually increase your hours or tasks at work.

    Learn more about the types of support we can offer to help you recover at work

    Your health provider’s role

    When you’ve been injured, you’ll need a medical certificate to assess your level of injury. You'll also need it to receive weekly compensation from us. If you are unable to do your normal work duties because of your injury, a medical certificate can be issued by:

    • general practitioners (GPs)
    • nurse practitioners
    • medical specialists.

    Being certified 'fit for selected work' means that you’re able to engage in some work while recovering. Although it may mean doing slightly different duties than your normal job. It could mean doing fewer hours or different tasks. It could also mean working with modifications or in a different environment.

    When you receive a 'fit for selected work' medical certificate, the next step is to talk to your employer. You'll need to discuss how modified duties may work in your role or industry.

    We have developed a guide to help you understand what a ‘Fit for selected work’ medical certificate means.

    Understanding med certs thumbnail

    Understanding your medical certificate - Fit for selected work

    You’ve been given a ‘fit for selected work’ medical certificate. This means there are some things you can still safely do at work while recovering from your injury.

    Download pdf 69 KB

    Your employer’s role

    Most people who can do some activities safely can recover at work. This might mean making some short-term adjustments. You could work with your employer to develop a recovery at work plan. This might include adjusting one or more of the following while you recover:

    • duties
    • hours
    • workload
    • working environment.

    It is helpful to give your medical certificate to your employer. Use the information from your health provider to talk about suitable work duties that are available. It could be doing the same job, or a different job.

    Your employer will get automatic notifications if your injury happened at work and when your medical certificate changes from fully unfit to fit for selected work.

    They’ll also be able to view some details about your claim, whether the accident happened at work or elsewhere, using our MyACC for Business platform. This information includes the dates you are likely to be off work and any restrictions on your medical certificate, so they can plan to help you safely recover at work.

    Front page of injured employee conversation guide

    Conversation guide for injured employees

    Use these conversation prompts to help you talk with your employer about your injury and recovery at work.

    Download pdf 564 KB

    Learn why teamwork makes recovery work

    Everyone has a role to play in supporting you to get back to work after an injury. Watch our video to learn more.

    Watch now
    Recovery at work extended team of injured worker, whanau, colleagues, health providers and ACC posing for bleachers-style photo in warehouse
    Last published: 15 July 2024