Change my details
We need to know if there are any changes to your business, as it may affect how much you pay in levies. Find out what changes we need to be aware of and how you can keep us updated.
On this page
Update your business details
We get your income details from Inland Revenue. If they don't look right on your invoice, you'll need to get in touch with them to get this sorted. They'll then send any updates on to us.
Let us know if any other details on your invoice are wrong, as this could affect the levies you're paying.
You can view your invoice and update your details in MyACC for Business.
To access your MyACC for Business profile you’ll need:
- a Google, Microsoft or RealMe account.
To register each business you’ll need:
- the ACC number or Inland Revenue number
- an email address or New Zealand mobile phone number.
Log in or register for MyACC for Business
Send us a form with your updated business details
If you're an employer you can also complete the form below and email it through to us.
ACC4618 Changes to your business – employer (PDF 64 KB)
Changes to your business we need to know about
Changing your business activity
If your business activity changes, e.g the products or services you offer, you may need to update your Classification Unit (CU). We assign each CU a levy rate, so a new CU could affect how much you pay in levies. In MyACC for Business you can check if your CU is correct.
You'll also need to enter your new Business Industry Description (BIC) code when you file your next tax return with Inland Revenue. You can search for this on the BIC website:
Working part-time or full-time if you’re self-employed
If you’re self-employed, and earning under the full-time minimum, how many hours you work affects how much you pay in levies and the entitlements you get. This includes the hours you work across all sources of income. Make sure we know if you’re working:
- part-time (an average of 30 hours or less a week over a tax year)
- full-time (more than 30 hours a week on average over a tax year).
Changing your payroll or shareholder remuneration
You need to update any changes to your payroll or shareholder remuneration through Inland Revenue. They'll pass these details on to us and it will be updated automatically. Make sure you pay your current invoice. We'll get in touch with you about adjustments to your levies once we get the new information.
Changing from self-employed to an employer
If you’re hiring staff or changing from self-employed to an employer , get in touch. We’ll let you know if you need to close your self-employment account and help you register with us as an employer.
Buying or merging a business
If you’re buying a business, you’ll be taking on their claims history, including their experience rating . Your CU may also change. Make sure you contact us to talk about these changes.
Receiving superannuation
If you start receiving New Zealand Superannuation this may affect your weekly compensation . Contact us to talk about these changes.
If you’re no longer in business
If you’re no longer self-employed, working as a contractor or you’re closing your business, let us know using our online forms.
Tell us you’re no longer in business
If you have a MyACC for Business account, log in and select the ceased trading option.
Keeping your contact details up-to-date
You need to make sure any details we have about your business are up-to-date so we can contact you. This includes:
- business name
- address
- phone number.
We need you to let us know about changes directly even if you've updated it with Inland Revenue.
The best way to keep your details up to date is through MyACC for Business where you can view and update your details at any time.
Contact us
If you have any questions or want to know more, contact our business team:
Phone 0800 222 776 (Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm)
Phone (from overseas) +64 7 859 8675
Use live chat through MyACC for Business
Talk to us using live chat: