Get tips for using MyACC

Use MyACC to view details about your claim and request support for your injury. We’ve put together helpful tips on what you can see and where to find things one you log in. MyACC is available online, any time, using your mobile phone, tablet or computer.

On this page

    Navigating MyACC

    Once you're logged into MyACC, you can choose which injury claim to view. The first time you log into MyACC, your most recent claim will be automatically selected.

    MyACC has five main sections


    1. Timeline

      This is the first screen you see when you log into MyACC. You can use your timeline to see:

      • what's coming up next in your claim
      • any actions you need to take
      • actions that have happened in the past
      • an authorisation for us to collect medical and other records relevant to your claim
      • a link to read your rights and responsibilities for receiving help from us and to confirm you understand these.
    2. Profile

      This is where you can change your personal and contact information and let us know how you’d prefer us to contact you. It’s important to keep your details updated so we can contact you during your recovery from injury.

    3. Injuries

      View information about your current current and previous claims and injuries, like the date and location of the accident, diagnoses, and the accident description. You can also give us consent to collect medical and other records and request a pre-employment check.

    4. Support

      Apply for financial support, likely weekly compensation and request other support like help for the home and transport to get to treatment.

    5. Network

      This is where you can see details of the recovery team managing your claim. Access contact details for the person or team managing your claim so you can quickly and easily get in touch with the right person.

    Weekly compensation

    Apply for weekly compensation if you can't work

    If your injury means that you're unable to work some or all your usual job for more than a week, you may be eligible for weekly compensation. To apply for weekly compensation in MyACC:·

    • go to the Support section
    • scroll down and click 'Getting paid if I can't work'
    • then click 'apply online' under 'weekly compensation'.

    You won't be able to apply using MyACC if you've already got an application in progress, or if you've had weekly compensation for the same claim before.

    View your weekly compensation payments

    If you're receiving weekly compensation for your claim, you can see information about your past and upcoming payments. You'll be able to see how much and when we'll pay you on your Timeline. If you want to see more information, you can do this by clicking 'view my weekly compensation details'.

    You can also see your weekly compensation details by:

    • going to the Support section in MyACC
    • clicking the 'current support' tab
    • clicking on 'weekly compensation' under 'supports I've received'.

    Returning to work hours

    When you start gradually returning to work, you’ll need to let us know what hours you work or how much you’ve earned. We will need to adjust your weekly compensation payments. If you don't do this, you could end up being overpaid and having to pay us back.

    MyACC is the easiest way to tell us your return to work details. If your medical certificate says that you're able to do some work, you'll see a notification on your Timeline each Monday asking you to send us your work hours for the week. You'll only submit your hours to us once a week, but you can add your hours each day and save your application to submit at the end of the week.

    Medical certificates

    Uploading a new medical certificate

    If your medical provider has given you a medical certificate, upload this using MyACC – it is faster to process than if you email or post it to us.

    If you have an existing medical certificate that is about to expire, you'll see an alert on your timeline on the date of expiry. Upload a photo of your new medical certificate by clicking 'upload a new medical certificate'.

    If you've received weekly compensation payments for your claim, you can also upload a new medical certificate from the weekly compensation details screen.

    If we've received a new medical certificate from you or your provider and we're still processing it, you'll see a message on your Timeline. If you see this message, you don't need to contact us. Once we've processed your new medical certificate you'll see the new expiry date in MyACC.

    Applying for other support

    You can use MyACC to apply for support to help with your recovery. Go to the Support section and select the type of support you need.

    Prescription reimbursements

    If you've already paid for a prescription for your injury, we can pay you back for some or all of it. If your reimbursement is over $50, you'll need to upload a photo of your receipt as part of the application.

    Travel reimbursement

    If you need to travel for treatment, rehabilitation or to work, we may be able to reimburse you for some of the costs. This includes private car and taxi travel.

    Learn more about travel and transport support

    Help at home

    If your injury is making it hard for you to do things you'd normally do around the house, like tidying up, cleaning, or preparing meals, we may be able to organise someone to come to your house to help.

    Learn more about home help

    Equipment to help with your injury

    If your injury is making it hard for you to do things around the house, we may be able to provide some equipment to help. These can include special chairs and stools, and equipment to help in the kitchen.

    Learn more about support equipment

    Help with childcare

    If you’re unable to care for your child we may be able to help with childcare or personal care.

    It can take us a few working days to process a support request, and you'll see all in-progress requests in your MyACC account.

    Learn more about childcare support

    Keep your details up to date

    You can use MyACC to make sure that we have the right information about you and your injury. This can include including your contact details and communication preferences.

    Request a pre-employment check

    A pre-employment check is a report of your ACC claims history that is sent to your employer. If you have been asked to provide an ACC pre-employment check you can request this using MyACC. Once you’re logged in, navigate to the Injuries section to find the pre-employment check request.

    Give us feedback about MyACC

    When you're logged into MyACC, click 'contact us' and then 'give MyACC feedback'. We're always adding new functions to MyACC, and we value your input on what would be most useful for us to add next.

    Ready to use MyACC? Log in now 

    Last published: 2 July 2024