How we protect sensitive claims information

If you have a sensitive claim, it can be particularly important to know how ACC protects your information and respects your privacy.

When you make a claim with ACC, you or your health provider tell us about your injury so we can support your recovery or rehabilitation.

If you have a sensitive claim, it can be particularly important to know how ACC protects your information and respects your privacy.

The information you give us is confidential

We treat all information provided to us by clients and providers carefully, in line with the Privacy Act and the Health Information Privacy Code. We take additional steps to protect information provided to us by clients with sensitive claims.

We restrict access to your information

Access to sensitive claims is restricted in our claims management system, Eos. 

This means that only ACC staff who absolutely need to access sensitive claims can do so, and only for the purpose of carrying out their role.

A client’s Recovery Partner or Recovery Assistant accesses a sensitive claim file when they need to facilitate the provision of services and support. Other staff members may also have access where they need it to carry out their role.  For example, a member of our payments team may access the payments page of a sensitive claim to pay a client their weekly compensation, and our clinical team may access the claim notes to add clinical and medical advice.

We have responsibilities under several privacy laws and guides

Our staff come to work to help our clients rehabilitate and recover from their injury. As part of this, we treat all client information with the upmost respect. Everyone who works at ACC signs and agrees to our Code of Conduct to maintain the highest standards of integrity, discretion and ethical conduct when performing their duties. This includes not accessing claims information that is not required for them to carry out their role, in line with the Health Information Privacy Code.

All staff and contractors are also required to act in accordance with the ACC Code of Claimants’ Rights, which covers claimants’ rights to have their privacy respected. Accessing information that an employee does not need to see can be considered serious misconduct.

We carry out a quarterly review to ensure only those who need access to sensitive claims for their role, have it.

Finding out more

We’re here to help.

If you have a question or concern about privacy, contact your Recovery Partner or Assistant, or:

The Privacy Officer
Accident Compensation Corporation
PO Box 242
Wellington 6011

Phone 04 816 7400

Privacy at ACC

Managing sensitive claims

Last published: 2 December 2024