Find a workplace safety auditor

You can contact one of our approved workplace safety auditors to arrange a visit to your workplace. They’ll check to see if your business meets all the requirements for either the Accredited Employers Programme (AEP) or Fleet Saver. 

The current panel is in place until 31 March 2025. The new assessor panel is in place from 1 April 2025 onwards.

On this page

    Key to abbreviations

    EXEMPLAR - Global certification body (RABQSA)
    HASANZ - Health and Safety Association of New Zealand
    JASANZ - Joint Accreditation System of Australia and New Zealand
    NZISM - New Zealand Institute of Safety Management
    NZOHNA - New Zealand Occupational Health Nurses' Association
    NZOHS - New Zealand Occupational Hygiene Society
    RGON - Registered General Obstetric Nurse

    Many of the auditors work with companies in a range of industries. Talk to them about any individual industry requirements you might have. You can then choose the right auditor for your business needs.

    Current panel

    This panel is in place until 31 March 2025.


    Name and professional registration

    Contact details

    Authorised to audit

    Areas of expertise

    Area covered

    Andy Anderson

    NZISM Professional

    027 484 8720

    Accredited Employer Programme (AEP)

    ACC Fleet Saver

    Aviation, education and tertiary institutions, engineering, hospitality, service industries, sport and recreation, transport/storage, tourism and retail, warehouse and distribution.

    All of NZ
    Ann Horner

    NZISM Professional

    027 4866 196

    Accredited Employer Programme (AEP)

    Education, engineering, government, health services, hospitals and rest homes, hospitality and service industries, transport and distribution, manufacturing, meat and fish processing, service industries and hospitality, tourism and retail.

    All of NZ
    Kate Sutcliffe

    NZISM Professional

    021 0235 9406

    ACC Fleet Saver

    Retail trades, hospitality, food processing, transport, warehousing and distribution, agriculture, rest homes and aged care, education, construction, manufacturing, engineering.

    South Island
    Robin McColl

    Member institute of Directors, NZISM Affiliate, RGON

    027 4344 885

    Accredited Employer Programme (AEP)

    ACC Fleet Saver

    Construction, manufacturing, health, government, tourism, hospitality.

    All of NZ
    Robyn Bennett

    NZISM Certified Professional, HASANZ, SafePlus Assessor, NZOHN Associate Member, Safety Institute Australia Member, EXEMPLAR Global Lead OHSMS Auditor

    027 257 9996

    Accredited Employer Programme (AEP)

    ACC Fleet Saver

    ACC Fleet Saver Rental

    Aviation and marine, hazardous substances and petrochemical, construction, engineering, government, manufacturing, transport and distribution, health services, hospitals and nursing homes, education, service industries and hospitality

    All of NZ



    Name and professional registration

    Contact details

    Authorised to audit

    Areas of expertise

    Area covered

    David Wutzler 

    ACC Senior auditor

    NZISM member, NZOHS member

    027 476 5241

    Accredited Employer Programme (AEP)

    Manufacturing, government, agriculture and fishing, electricity industry, construction and roading, transport and logistics, Health, telecommunications, wood processing and forestry, education

    All of NZ



    Name and professional registration

    Contact details

    Authorised to audit

    Areas of expertise

    Area covered

    Martha Rowbotham

    ACC Senior auditor - AEP, ACC Fleet Saver

    NZISM Professional, SafePlus Assessor, EXEMPLAR Global Lead Auditor

    027 245 6046

    Accredited Employer Programme (AEP)

    Dairy, education, government administration, health services, hospitals and nursing homes, hospitality, local government, service industry, telecommunications, tertiary institutions

    All of NZ



    Name and professional registration

    Contact details

    Authorised to audit

    Areas of expertise

    Area covered

    Franz Assenmacher

    ACC Senior auditor - ACC Fleet Saver

    NZISM Professional, HASANZ, SafePlus assessor

    0274 446544


    ACC Fleet Saver

    Construction, transportation, forestry, construction, engineering, local government, manufacturing, farming, horticulture and viticulture, retail, food processing All of NZ

    John Greenland

    ACC Senior auditor - AEP

    06 844 8969

    027 709 0748

    Accredited Employer Programme (AEP)

    Construction, electrical, engineering, forestry and logging, hospitals and nursing homes, manufacturing service industry, telecommunications, transport and storage, warehousing and distribution All of NZ



    Name and professional registration

    Contact details

    Authorised to audit

    Areas of expertise

    Area covered

    Craig Smith

    ACC Senior auditor - AEP

    JASANZ OHS Assessor and Technical Expert, NZISM Professional

    029 242 2961

    Accredited Employer Programme (AEP)

    Engineering, civil and building construction, health, manufacturing, food processing, printing and packaging, tertiary instructions, transport and storage, professional sports, service industries 

    All of NZ



    Name and professional registration

    Contact details

    Authorised to audit

    Areas of expertise

    Area covered

    Sherry Johnston

    ACC Senior auditor - AEP

    NZISM Professional, HASANZ, SafePlus assessor

     021 743 779

     Accredited Employer Programme (AEP) Manufacturing, engineering, construction, local and central government, health services, manufacturing, banking and finance, food processing, timber processing, warehouse and distribution  All of NZ



    Name and professional registration

    Contact details

    Authorised to audit

    Areas of expertise

    Area covered

    Jared McGillicuddy

    Institute of Directors member

    027 240 6118

    Accredited Employer Programme (AEP) - peer review first audit

    Agriculture and forestry, farming, education, energy and telecommunications, food processing, health services, hospitals and nursing homes, retail and finance, sport and recreation, timber processing, transport, warehousing and distribution

     All of NZ

    Helen Wood-Rowe


    027 531 9207

    Accredited Employer Programme (AEP) - peer review first audit

    Health services providers, hospitals, rest homes, non-government organisations

    All of NZ



    Name and professional registration

    Contact details

    Authorised to audit

    Areas of expertise

    Area covered

    John Skipper

    ACC Senior auditor - AEP

    0800 004 004

    029 226 3578

    Accredited Employer Programme (AEP) 

    Aviation, chemical, cleaning services, construction, manufacturing, meat, quarrying and mining, roading, service industry, timber processing

     All of NZ

    Katria Raffan

    0800 004 004

    027 494 1261

    Accredited Employer Programme (AEP) 

    Aviation, construction, education, government administration, health services, hospitals and nursing homes, information technology, local government, military, pharmaceuticals, security

    All of NZ


    New panel from 1 April 2025

    This panel is in place from 1 April 2025 onwards.


    Name and professional registration

    Contact details

    Authorised to audit

    Areas of expertise

    Area covered

    Andy Anderson

    NZISM Professional

    Senior Auditor Telarc / Bureau Veritas / DQS

    027 484 8720


    AEP Senior

    ACC Fleet Saver

    ACC Fleet Saver Senior

    Aviation, Education and tertiary institutions, engineering, hospitality, service industries, sport and recreation, transport and storage, tourism and retail, warehouse and distribution.

     All of NZ


    Name and professional registration

    Contact details

    Authorised to audit

    Areas of expertise

    Area covered

    John Skipper

    Member NZISM, Member NZ Institute of Chemistry, Justice of the Peace

    029 226 3578

    Accredited Employer Programme (AEP), 
    AEP Senior

    Agriculture, fishing and forestry, aviation, banking, business and financial services, civil construction, defence, government services, health services, hospitals and aged care, hospitality and food production, manufacturing: steel, timber and chemical, meat and fish processing, warehousing, transport and logistics

     All of NZ



    Name and professional registration

    Contact details

    Authorised to audit

    Areas of expertise

    Area covered

    Robyn Bennett

    NZISM Certified Professional, HASANZ Registered, SafePlus Assessor, Safety Institute Australia Member, EXEMPLAR Global Lead OHSMS Auditor, Associate member of the New Zealand Occupational Hygiene Society (NZOHS), Associate member of the Hazardous Substance Professionals New Zealand (HSPNZ), Member of the Institute of Directors (IoD)

    027 257 9996

    AEP Senior
    ACC Fleet Saver
    ACC Fleet Saver Rental
    ACC Fleet Saver Senior   

    Meat processing, healthcare, transport and logistics, staffing and recruitment, construction, food and beverage, government and public services, manufacturing, hazardous substances and petrochemical All of NZ

    Ann Horner

    NZISM Professional member
    HASANZ Registered

    027 4866 196


    Education, engineering
    , central and local government, farming
    , health and community services, transport and distribution, manufacturing, food processing, service industries and hospitality, tourism and retail
    All of NZ

    Rob McColl

    NZISM Affiliate 
    Chartered Member of the New Zealand Institute of Directors (IoD)

    027 434 4885

    AEP Senior

    Construction, manufacturing, health
    , government, tourism, hospitality
    All of NZ

    Andrea McMillan

    Prof NZISM
    HASANZ Registered


    027 22 777 96

    ACC Fleet Saver * Peer review

    Education and tertiary institutions, health services 
    , manufacturing, HSNO environments (laboratory, clinical, biosecurity, radiation), field and remote work, home services, water-based activities and operations, tourism and adventure activities, service industries
    All of NZ

    Andy Westgate

    Prof NZISM
    HASANZ Registered

    022 3822 824

    AEP * Peer review

    Aviation, military 
    Education and Tertiary
    Warehouse and distribution
    Transport and storage
    All of NZ

    Emma Jeffrey

    NZISM Professional 
    HASANZ Registered
    CMHRNZ (Human Resources NZ)
    MInstD (IoD)
    Licenced Private Investigator (PSPLA)
    CQM (Certified Quality Manager) NZOQ

    021 778 080

    AEP * Peer review

    Wholesale Trade & Distribution
    Transport & Logistics
    Service Industries
    Hospitality & Tourism
    Training & Development
    Member Organisations
    Load Lifting Rigging
    Height Safety
    All of NZ (primarily Auckland and Northland)

    Garth Gulley

    NZISM Professional
    HASANZ Registered 
    Member of the Institute of Internal Auditors NZ

    021 628 654

    AEP * Peer review

    Hospitality and service industries
    Transport and distribution
    Sport and recreation
    Tourism and retail
    All of NZ

    Joanna van Turnhout

    NZISM Professional
    HASANZ Registered


    ACC Fleet Saver * Peer review

    Civil construction
    Traffic management
    Transportation and haulage
    Otago and Southland

    John McColl

    NZISM Professional
    HASANZ Registered

    027 433 0171

    AEP * Peer review

    All of NZ

    Kate Sutcliffe

    NZISM Professional
    HASANZ Registered

    02102 359 406

    AEP * Peer review
    ACC Fleet Saver

    Retail trades
    Tourism and Hospitality
    Food processing
    Transport, warehousing and distribution
    Rest homes and aged care
    South Island

    Rob Feasey

    NZISM Certified Professional
    Chartered Member of IOSH
    HASANZ Registered

    022 454 4445

    AEP * Peer review

    Manufacturing (including food)
    Major Hazard Facilities
    All of NZ



    Name and professional registration

    Contact details

    Authorised to audit

    Areas of expertise

    Area covered

    David Wutzler

    NZISM Professional, Technical Member of NZOHS

    027 476 5241


    AEP Senior

    ACC Fleet Saver

    ACC Fleet Saver Senior

    Manufacturing. and Engineering, energy and telecommunications, central and local government, transport and logistics, seafood and aquaculture, agriculture, meat industry, health and elder care, forestry and timber processing, construction, retail, sports and recreation, aviation, food processing, education, labour hire, service industry, transport, science and technology, hospitality and accommodation

    All of NZ


    Name and professional registration

    Contact details

    Authorised to audit

    Areas of expertise

    Area covered

    Kate Gaines

    NZISM Affiliate

    027 440 2776

    AEP * Peer review

    Banking, construction, electrical engineering, forestry and logging, healthcare, hospitality, manufacturing, public sector, primary industry, service industry, telecommunications, transport and storage, viticulture, warehousing and distribution

     All of NZ

    Franz Assenmacher

    NZISM, HAZANZ, SafePlus Assessor

    027 444 6544

    AEP * Peer review
    ACC Fleet Saver
    ACC Fleet Saver Senior    

    civil and infrastructure
    , construction, engineering, farming, forestry, hospitality, manufacturing, retail, service industry, transportation,

     All of NZ

    Geoff McRobie

    NZISM Affiliate, Chartered Accountant

    021 289 9517

    AEP * Peer review

    Banking, construction, engineering, food production, forestry and logging, healthcare, manufacturing, public sector, primary industries,
    service industry, telecommunications, transport and storage, warehousing and distribution
     All of NZ

    John Greenland

    NZISM Affiliate

    027 709 0748

    AEP Senior

    Construction, electrical, engineering, forestry and logging, hospitals and nursing homes, manufacturing, service industry, telecommunications
    ,transport and storage, warehousing and distribution

     All of NZ

    Michelle GRACE Cooper

    NZISM Professional
    HASANZ Registered
    Member of the Institute of Directors


    AEP * Peer review

    H and R Management
    Injury Management
    All of NZ


    Name and professional registration

    Contact details

    Authorised to audit

    Areas of expertise

    Area covered

    Craig Smith

    JASANZ OHS Assessor and Technical Expert, NZISM Professional

    029 242 2961

    Accredited Employer Programme (AEP), Senior auditor - AEP

    Engineering, civil and building construction, health, manufacturing, food processing, printing and packaging, tertiary instructions, transport and storage, professional sports, service industries 

    All of NZ



    Name and professional registration

    Contact details

    Authorised to audit

    Areas of expertise

    Area covered

    Sherry Johnston

    ACC Senior auditor - AEP

    NZISM Professional, HASANZ, SafePlus assessor

     021 743 779

     Accredited Employer Programme (AEP) Manufacturing, engineering, construction, local and central government, health services, manufacturing, banking and finance, food processing, timber processing, warehouse and distribution  All of NZ


    Last published: 3 February 2025