Kaupapa Māori health services
We want to provide whānau with a choice of services that deliver culturally appropriate care. Learn about the approach we’re taking to develop kaupapa Māori health services.
Our understanding of kaupapa Māori solutions: Indigenous, localised, whānau-centred solutions designed by Māori, with Māori, underpinned by tikanga and delivered by providers who identify as Māori, primarily for Māori, but available to all.
Te whaitake o ngā ratonga hauora kaupapa Māori
Why we need kaupapa Māori health services
We need to adopt a new way of working to deliver services in ways that result in equitable outcomes for Māori. This includes the way we establish and contract for services and our relationships with Māori providers.
In partnership with Māori, we’re developing a new ACC pathway to provide whānau with options in the hauora (health) and rehabilitation services available to them.
We want to meet specific needs, improve the experience of ACC through culturally appropriate care and enable equitable health outcomes for whānau. We’re seeking to achieve this through Māori-led, regionally-based approaches that embrace local mātauranga.
Te aronga tuatahi
The first services
The first services to be designed will support kiritaki and whānau with complex injuries and a high level of need. This includes services for people who have experienced serious injuries and sexual violence.
We’ll consider and integrate services for kiritaki with other injury types after we’ve developed this first phase of services. Over time, we want to create a solution with national reach that is available to all.