Christmas and New Year opening hours and pay dates

Our contact centre has reduced hours over the holiday season and weekly compensation payment dates may change due to public holidays.

See holiday hours and payment dates

Experience Rating if you own more than one business

If you're the majority shareholder of more than one business, we'll group your businesses together.

We'll add the levies you pay for each business together as one total Work levy for your business group, to see if you're eligible for the Experience Rating programme.

On this page

    We look at how your group performs

    Each business will still have their own levy rate based on the industry they work in. But they'll all get the same levy discount or loading depending on the performance of the group.

    Our business grouping and transfers guide has more information about:

    • how we group your businesses together
    • how buying or selling a business may affect your Experience Rating.

    Business grouping and transfers guide

    MyACC for Business

    Our online platform MyACC for Business takes the guesswork out of doing business with us. When you sign up, you can easily update your details, check what you owe and see claim reports whenever it suits you. 

    With MyACC for Business you can:

    • use live chat to talk to a customer service representative
    • view and download your employer claims reports
    • view, pay or download your levy invoices
    • view your injured employee's work-related claims information online and in real time. 

    This includes your employee's work capacity information and any work restrictions they might have. You can use this information to help support your employee's safe recovery at work.

    Log in or register for MyACC for Business

    If you're managing more than one business

    You can manage all your accounts using MyACC for Business. You'll see all accounts that you manage on your home page after you log in.

    To access your MyACC for Business profile you’ll need a Google, Microsoft or RealMe account.

    To register each business you’ll need:

    • the ACC number or Inland Revenue number
    • an email address or New Zealand mobile phone number.

    Contact us

    If you want to know more about the Experience Rating programme and how it affects your Work Levy, contact your relationship manager. Or get in touch with the Business Incentives team.


    Last published: 9 March 2023