Supporting existing clients through the transition

On Sunday 1 December 2024, we go live with our new Sensitive Claims Service contract. As we move to the new contract, it’s important that existing kiritaki (clients) can continue receiving the treatment and services they need. Below are some key details about the changes and guidance for supporting kiritaki through the move to the new Sensitive Claims Service. 

On this page

    Key changes to the service

    We’re making changes to the Sensitive Claims Service (formerly called the Intergrated Services for Sensitive Claims - ISSC) to improve access, outcomes and experience for kiritaki who use the service. The changes will take effect when the new Sensitive Claims Service contract goes live on 1 December 2024. 

    Here are the key changes: 

    • We’ve streamlined the assessment process to make it easier for kiritaki to access support and treatment. There will now be two assessment pathways based on need so people don’t have to re-tell their story and can access treatment quicker. 
    • We've moved away from a "one size fits all” approach towards a more holistic model that allows kiritaki to work with their provider to create a recovery plan that best meets their needs.  
    • Support may include talk therapy as well as other rehabilitation services and can be used in conjunction with group-based therapy and other services. 
    • We’re also increasing the support kiritaki can access after they’ve achieved their recovery goals so they can maintain their progress for years to come. 
    • We're creating more effective tools to measure kiritaki progress. Providers will have access to two compulsory Patient Reported Outcome Measure (PROM)s that will allow us to see the entire recovery journey for a kiritaki.

    These changes were developed after extensive consultation with suppliers, providers and the wider sexual violence sector.  

    Learn more about our engagement efforts

    General guidance on transition

    We have set up a transition period from Sunday 1 December 2024 up until Saturday 31 May 2025. This is to allow for kiritaki to be transitioned to the new Sensitive Claims Service contract at the next check-in or reporting point. This is to ensure continuity of care.  

    Here is some guidance and cut off dates for purchase orders and group-based therapy: 

    • No new purchase orders under the ISSC contract will be issued beyond Friday 30 November 2024.
    • All purchase orders that need to be approved or amended must be requested before Wednesday 20 November 2024. This is to allow sufficient time for them to be issued before Friday 30 November 2024.
    • We can honour existing purchase orders (issued prior to Friday 30 November 2024) under the current ISSC contract up until Saturday 31 May 2025 (or earlier).
    • Any purchase orders dated Sunday 1 June 2025 and beyond cannot be honoured. Therefore, you will now start to see purchase orders with an end date of Saturday 31 May 2024 rather than for 12 months.
    • For any purchase order with ISSC Support to Wellbeing Long Term hours, this will be calculated at a rate in relation to how many months of service have been issued (e.g. for four months of support, we would approve 16 hours of service, equating to one hour per week). 
    • The last day to apply to deliver group-based therapy (excluding groups for Dialectical Behavioural Therapy - DBT) under the existing ISSC contract is Friday 2 August 2024. 
    • All group-based therapy approved under the ISSC must be completed by no later than:
      • Saturday 30 November 2024, if a supplier and provider is not intending to continue beyond that date; or
      • Saturday 31 May 2025, if a supplier and provider can complete the group during the transition period.  
    • From now on, no new applications to deliver a DBT group will be accepted. Existing approved DBT groups can complete services if the supplier and provider are able to deliver that service through the transition period (Sunday 1 December 2024 to Saturday 31 May 2025). 
    • Applications for group-based therapy (including DBT) under the new Sensitive Claims Service contract will open in February 2025.  


    The process from 1 December 2024

    For new kiritaki accessing services after 1 December 2024

    All new kiritaki accessing services for the first time will be supported under the new Sensitive Claims Service contract from 1  December 2024. 

    For kiritaki being supported under the existing ISSC contract

    There will be a transition period from 1 December 2024 to 1 June 2025. There are several scenarios that are possible through this period. 

    We will work with suppliers and providers to transition existing kiritaki to services under the new Sensitive Claims Service contract at the next check-in or reporting point in the recovery plan for the kiritaki (subsequently referred to as 'transition point'). This will include confirming services and hours available through a new purchase order.

    We will honour existing purchase orders (approved prior to 30 November 2024) under the current ISSC contract up until 1 June 2025. This is to allow for either the planned completion of services; or to support the kiritaki to transition to a new provider delivering services under the new Sensitive Claims Service. 

    No further services will be purchased under the existing ISSC contract from 30 November 2024. 

    For suppliers and providers that intend to stop delivering services after 1 December 2024, you will need to advise us as soon as possible and support the transition of any kiritaki they are working with to a new supplier and/or provider once the outcome of the tender is confirmed in September 2024.  

    As a supplier, you will need to ensure all kiritaki receiving services under your ISSC contract have been transitioned to another provider if their current provider is not intending to deliver services under the new Sensitive Claims Service contract from 1 December 2024.

    The kiritaki must be involved in choosing another provider. There needs to be a handover process or meeting between the two providers to ensure a seamless process for the kiritaki.  

    If the new lead provider is with a different supplier, you must also consent to and support the move. Continuity of service for the kiritaki is paramount during this time.

    During the transition period it is important that you have and can implement your business continuity and transition plans to ensure kiritaki can continue to be supported with as little disruption to their care as possible.

    As a provider, you will need to ensure that you continue to support the kiritaki during this period, and work with your supplier to support the transition to another provider. 

    As a provider, it is important that you are confirmed and named on a new supplier’s contract before 26 September 2024 so you can commence service delivery on 1 December 2024 under the new Sensitive Claims Service contract.  

    As a supplier, you will need to ensure all kiritaki receiving services under your ISSC contract have been transitioned to another supplier who will be delivering services under the new Sensitive Claims Service contract from 1 December 2024.

    This will mean supporting your existing provider/s to change suppliers and agreeing to the transfer. The kiritaki must be informed and agree to the change of supplier.

    We still need to be contacted via email requesting the transfer, with confirmation that the requirements above have been met and when the transfer needs to occur.  

    We expect existing suppliers that are not intending to deliver services under the new contract to support the release of providers and kiritaki to new suppliers as required. 

    What we need from you

    To support the effective transition of kiritaki between contracts, we need existing suppliers and providers to consider

    How can I best support kiritaki through this transition?

    If you are not intending to apply to deliver services under the new Sensitive Claims Service contract, please let us know:


    Bookmark this page and keep an eye out for communications about transitioning kiritaki over to the new Sensitive Claims Service contract. We are developing advice and tools that will support you to effectively transition kiritaki.

    Start considering what will be needed to support existing kiritaki receiving services under your ISSC contract. Some questions to consider are:

    • Am I intending to apply to deliver services under the new contract? This will determine the approach you will need to take to transitioning kiritaki
    • If I am not intending to continue, can I continue to support existing kiritaki to complete services between 1 December 2024 – 1 June 2025, or do I need to consider when to transition kiritaki to a new supplier and/or provider before 1 December 2024?
    • When do I expect existing kiritaki to conclude services; will this be before 1 December 2024? If not, when would a natural transition point be for that kiritaki?
    Last published: 6 June 2024