How to apply for the new Sensitive Claims Service contract
The tender for the Sensitive Claims Service contract is closed for suppliers. The application form for named service providers is now open.
On this page
What is the Sensitive Claims Service?
The Sensitive Claims Service began on 1 December 2024, replacing the Integrated Services for Sensitive Claims (ISSC). Through the Sensitive Claims Service, we provide fully funded support, treatment and assessment services for survivors of sexual abuse or assault.
The new contract has a term of 3 years, 7 months, and one right of renewal of 2 years.
Who can deliver services?
The Sensitive Claims Service contract owner who has overall responsibility and accountability for services delivered to kiritaki (clients). Suppliers are responsible for all personnel, named service providers and service providers that sub-contract to them, and for updating records and any reporting requirements outlined in the contract.
Named service providers
Provider who delivers counselling services, as defined by the Accident Insurance (“Counsellor”) Regulations Act 1999, that must be approved and named on the Sensitive Claims Service contract. This applies to the following professions: psychiatrists, psychologists, psychotherapists, counsellors, and social workers delivering counselling services.
Service providers
Other professions who provide non-counselling services can also deliver services to our kiritaki. They include registered nurses, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, dietitians, speech language therapists, and social workers.
There are separate application processes for each of these roles.
How to apply as a named service provider
To deliver services to our kiritaki, you must apply and be approved by us and named on a supplier’s contract prior to delivering services. This applies to all professions considered as named service providers: counsellor, psychotherapist, psychologist, psychiatrist, or a social worker planning on delivering counselling services under the contract.
Follow these steps to apply as a new named service provider:
- Complete the application form through Business Connect.
Log in now
Note: you will need to log in with your RealMe account and create a Business Connect account. Business Connect is a digital platform hosted by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE).
- Complete and submit an ACC6243 form.
ACC6243 form
This form must be emailed to following submission of the application on Business Connect. Only new named service providers must complete this form.
The Business Connect application form can also be used by existing named service providers who wish to make changes or add services to their approval.
Requirements for service providers delivering non-counselling services
If you’re a registered nurse, occupational therapist, physiotherapist, dietitian, speech language therapist, or a social worker, you do not need to complete the named service provider application form. However, if you want to deliver services to kiritaki under the Sensitive Claims Service contract, you will need to register with us to obtain a provider ID. If you already have an ACC Provider ID, you do not need to reapply.
Requesting contract amendments
Suppliers can request the following amendments to their Sensitive Claims Service contract:
- add approved named service providers
- add additional approved services to an approved named service provider
- add geographical areas to your contract (you’ll need to ensure you meet the requirements to hold a geographical area including having named service providers in the area and a named assessment provider in that region as per the requirements of Sensitive Claims Service Service-Schedule)
- increase the number of named service providers on your contract (beyond the initial approval limits)
- remove named service providers.
To request amendments to your contract, follow these steps:
- Complete the Sensitive Claims Service contract amendment request template to let us know what you’d like to amend. This template can be accessed from our Resources page. To avoid unnecessary delays in the approval process, please make sure that you provide all the required information.
- Send the completed template to
- Wait for ACC to approve your amendments. Services cannot be delivered to kiritaki until the requested amendments have been confirmed by ACC in writing.
Further support
Support to complete the named service provider application
To be approved as a named service provider, you must meet the requirements of the Sensitive Claims Service contract. You can find the full requirements in the Service Schedule
The evidence and information required in the application will depend on the profession of the applicant, as well as the services they are applying to deliver. Below is guidance to help applicants prepare the relevant information.
Provisional named service providers
- Evidence of minimum Level 6 NZQA recognised qualification, with a focus on: (For all professions except clinical psychologists and psychiatrists)
- Basic assessment skills
- Therapeutic intervention skills
- Abnormal psychology
- Skills in two or more therapy models
- Human development
- Family dynamics
- Evidence of Annual Practicing Certificate (APC) and interim/ full membership to relevant professional bodies as per the Service Schedule for the Sensitive Claims Service.
- CV with clear evidence of at least 12-months experience post qualification in mental health settings and experience working with survivors of sexual abuse and assault with this experience having been obtained or maintained in the last five years.
- Written agreement with a supervisor who must be an approved Sensitive Claims Service named service provider. You will need to provide the supervisor’s ACC provider ID.
Named Service Providers
- Evidence of minimum Level 6 NZQA recognised qualification, with a focus on: For all professions except clinical psychologists and psychiatrists)
- Abnormal psychology
- Skills in two or more therapy models of therapeutic intervention
- Human development
- Basic assessment skills
- Therapeutic intervention skill
- Family dynamics.
- Evidence of Annual Practicing Certificate (APC) and full membership to relevant professional bodies as per the Service Schedule for the Sensitive Claims Service.
- CV with clear evidence of at least 2 years’ experience post qualification in mental health settings and experience working with survivors of sexual abuse and assault with this experience having been obtained or maintained in the last five years.
- Confirmation of a supervisor who meets the requirements of your professional body (note a copy of their APC is required).
Specialist Cover Assessment
- Evidence of minimum Level 8 NZQA recognised qualification, with a focus on (For all professions except clinical psychologists and psychiatrists):
- Assessment, classification, and clinical formulation
- Abnormal psychology
- Skills in two or more models of therapeutic intervention
- Human development
- Knowledge and skills in the use of psychometric tools (if using psychometrics).
- Evidence of Annual Practicing Certificate (APC) and full membership to relevant bodies as per Service Schedule for the Sensitive Claims Service
- CV with evidence of minimum 2-years’ experience post qualification in mental health settings and experience working with survivors of sexual abuse and assault with this experience having been obtained or maintained in the last five years
Function Assessment
Function Assessments can be delivered by clinical psychologists and psychiatrists only.
- Confirmation that the provider has already been approved as a named service provider delivering Specialist Cover Assessments
- (Clinical psychologists only) Confirmation that the provider has completed at least 10 specialist cover assessments (previously referred to as supported assessments) and over what time period these assessments have been completed
- (Clinical psychologists only) Confirmation of a supervisor who is a clinical psychologist or psychiatrist who is currently approved to undertake function or incapacity assessments for ACC (this may be in addition to your regular supervisor and specific to function assessments only). Please provide the supervisor’s ACC provider ID.
- A letter from your function assessment supervisor to confirm:
- they have undertaken incapacity/ function assessments
- the number of incapacity/ function assessments they have completed and over what time period
- they agree to supervise you in function assessments.
Past support
See our FAQs for further guidance about the new Sensitive Claims Service contract tender.
See responses to the most common questions we’ve received on GETS about the contract tender.
To help you with the tender application process, we will be offering online briefings on the following dates:
- 5 April 2024, 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm
Tender briefing recording
Download the slides - 18 April 2024, 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Tender briefing recording
Download the slides - 26 April 2024, 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm
Tender briefing recording
Download the slides
We held several webinars in March for suppliers and providers. Here are the recordings from those webinars:
11 March 2024 - Webinar for Small Suppliers
12 March 2024 - Webinar for Medium Suppliers
13 March 2024 - Webinar for Large Suppliers
20 March 2024 - Webinar for Providers
The GETS website has useful information under the Supplier User Help section.
This web page provides tips about responding to tenders – what to include in your response, how to present it and the complaints process.
If you’re a Māori-owned business, Te Puni Kōkiri offer a range of tautoko to help you navigate the procurement process.
Reach out to them if you need support: