Maximise Independence

Home and Community Support - Maximise Independence (HCSMI) aims to provide kiritaki (clients) with greater choice and control over home and community support, following the life changing impacts of an injury.   

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    HCSMI connects kiritaki with support workers who have the skills and training to manage highly complex and individualised needs. The provision of personalised care and a stable team of support workers provides trust and confidence that their cares will be delivered maintaining their mana and ensuring they remain safe in their home and in the community.​​  

    This is a fee for service contract and all care hours will be approved by us following an independent assessment. 

    HCSMI supports kiritaki through the following services:  

    • Standard support  
    • Complex support 

    In addition, our kiritaki can receive supports from:  

    • Allied Health  
    • Nursing treatment  
    • Childcare  

    HCSMI OpGuidelines thumbnail

    Maximise Independence - operational guidelines

    These guidelines assist with the implementation of the Home and Community Support Maximise Independence (HCMI) Service Schedule.

    Download pdf 747 KB
    HCSMI SS thumbnail v2

    Maximise Independence - service schedule

    Download pdf 511 KB
    Last published: 27 June 2024