Access Report

We recently conducted consultation on a new requirement to report annually on access to the Accident Compensation scheme for injured people.

The official consultation period is now closed, however if you would like to get in touch, please contact us at:


On this page

    What is ACC annual scheme access reporting?

    In 2023, an amendment to the Accident Compensation Act introduced a new requirement for ACC to report annually on levels of access to the Accident Compensation scheme by Māori and other identified population groups. The reports will include information on levels of access, disparities in access, barriers to access and causes of the barriers and disparities.

    Grandparent with grandchild outdoors in nature

    Our proposed approach

    Our proposed approach to access reporting will also allow us to investigate other factors that may impact on people lodging a claim, for example, where they live, if they are experiencing material hardship, and any other relevant factors.

    The objectives of ACC’s annual scheme access reports are to:

    • improve focus on, and understanding of, how people with personal injuries are accessing, or not accessing, the Scheme, and
    • increase transparency about levels of access to the Scheme, including any disparities in accessing the Scheme by different population groups.

    What we learn as we write the reports will help us to identify gaps in access and develop an evidence-based approach to how we might best meet different people’s needs.

    Before preparing the first report, we were required to consult on the methods we propose to use. The consultation period was held between February and April 2024. The consultation period has now closed. 

    • April to June 2024: Report drafted
    • After 30 June 2024: Report provided to the Minister for ACC
    • Annual Scheme access report presented to Parliament.

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    Download the consultation paper as an accessible word document

    Download docx 1.4 MB
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    Download the consultation paper as a PDF document

    Download pdf 1.2 MB

    Contact us

    If you have any questions, you can send us an email:


    Last published: 25 February 2025