Christmas and New Year opening hours and pay dates

Our contact centre has reduced hours over the holiday season and weekly compensation payment dates may change due to public holidays.

See holiday hours and payment dates

Tell us if you're no longer trading as an employer or shareholder

Use this form when you're ceasing to receive shareholder remuneration through your company or you're ceasing to employ staff.

If you're already registered for MyACC for Business, log in and select the ceased trading option. 

MyACC for Business

If you're completing this form on behalf of someone else, use MyACC for Business or contact us. 

Phone 0800 222 776


When we collect, use and store information, we comply with the Privacy Act 2020 and the Health Information Privacy Code 2020. For more information read our privacy policy.

Our privacy framework

Complete the form below:

Your personal details

Please complete this field if you are self-employed.

Your company details

If you don't provide this information we'll use the financial year end date of 31 March.

Your earnings details

To ensure we can complete your request in the first instance, please make sure the below fields relevant to you or your company are all completed correctly.

What type of levy do you pay?