Your rights and responsibilities

An outline of your rights and responsibilities while getting help from us.

On this page

    Your rights while getting help from ACC

    The Code of ACC Claimants’ Rights helps guide how we work with you. The Code explains your right to:

    • be treated with dignity and respect
    • be treated fairly and have your views considered
    • have your culture, values and beliefs respected
    • a support person or persons
    • effective communication
    • be fully informed
    • have your privacy respected
    • make a complaint.

    We also have a responsibility to make sure you know about your right to:

    • be involved in any decisions made about your recovery
    • ask for more information about the Accident Compensation Act 2001 and the Code of ACC Claimants’ Rights.

    Code of ACC Claimants' Rights

    Minimising any delays to getting help

    While you’re receiving assistance from us, you can help us by: 

    • providing medical certificates that show the progress of your injury and/or fitness for work if we ask for them
    • avoiding any activities that your medical certificate or health professional say you shouldn’t do, for example, driving
    • taking part in appropriate treatment and rehabilitation if required
    • contacting us if your circumstances or your contact details change
    • going to your appointments, including assessments that we ask you to attend
    • changing appointments in advance if you can’t make them.

    How to make sure you get the right amount of weekly compensation

    The amount of weekly compensation you receive depends on a number of things. We ask that you let us know:

    • before doing any paid or unpaid work, or increasing your work hours
    • if you receive any money, such as payment for work done, a pay increase or holiday pay
    • if you receive anything in place of income, such as work done for you, free board or petrol money.

    If you have an Individual Rehabilitation Plan

    When preparing or updating your plan, you’re welcome to involve:

    • your health professional, like a doctor or physio
    • your employer or future employer
    • a family member, friend or other representative.

    Before signing your plan you’re welcome to ask for independent advice. We’ll always work with you to make sure your plan provides you with what you need.

    If you don’t feel that the plan is right for you and can't resolve it easily by talking with us, you can also apply for a formal review.

    You’ll be responsible for:

    • working with us to prepare and update your plan
    • following your plan.

    If you have any questions about your plan talk to your case manager.

    If you don’t think we’re meeting our responsibilities

    There are a number of options available if you don’t think we’re meeting our responsibilities:

    • you can get in touch with your case manager or their manager to discuss any issues
    • you can request mediation if we aren’t able to address your concerns after discussing them with us
    • if you’re unhappy with our service or you think your rights have been breached you can make a complaint
    • if you disagree with a decision we’ve made on your claim you can apply for an independent review.

    Make a complaint or sort out a problem with your claim

    If you’re unable to meet your responsibilities

    It’s really important that you continue to meet your responsibilities. If you can’t and there isn’t a good reason, we may:

    • no longer pay you or provide entitlements
    • ask you to repay any overpayment of weekly compensation
    • add a penalty payment.

    We'll comply with the legislation

    We’ll comply with the Privacy Act 2020, the Health Information Privacy Code 2020 and the Accident Compensation Act 2001 when collecting, using and managing personal information.

    Under the Privacy Act 2020 and Health Information Privacy Code 2020 you have the right to access any information we hold about you. You can also ask us to correct the information that we hold about you.

    Accident Compensation Act 2001

    Privacy at ACC

    Last published: 13 June 2024