Search results for ‘COVID-19 Vaccination Claims Update -’
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Find the right Read Code for your patient’s injury to record on their claim. Each read code has a trigger number telling you how many treatments we’ll pay for.
If you’re self-employed, you won’t be receiving an invoice this year Mēnā he kaimahi ā-kiri koe, kāore koe e whiwhi nama i a mātou i tēnei tau
Based on your feedback, we’re making changes to how we levy self-employed people. If you’re self-employed you won’t receive a 2019/20 invoice in 2019.
Service providers who provide non-counselling services will be able to deliver services to kiritaki (clients) under the new Sensitive Claims Service contract, launching 1 December 2024.
The country’s most successful Olympian, Dame Lisa Carrington, has capped off an exceptional year by triumphing at the ACC-supported Māori Sports Awards.
We’ve collaborated with mental health providers and the broader sexual violence sector to redesign how we provide support for people who’ve experienced sexual abuse or assault.
pdf 475 KBDownload
Examples of fictional claims for new cover guidance on surgical mesh repair.
pdf 36 KB | Published October 2020Download -
The report by Deloitte on the test procedures of the claims lodgement model used as the prototype of the improved claims approval process.
pdf 664 KB | Published August 2018Download -
Learn about types of complex cover, like mental injury, treatment injury and work-related gradual process injury.
For over 130,000 New Zealanders, recovering from a pre-Christmas injury is on the to-do list. We looked into how that's happening.