ACC Pain Management Services

Released 31/07/2024

We have interdisciplinary pain management services available for people who have persisting pain due to an injury we cover. These services are for those who have pain lasting three months or more that is persisting beyond expected recovery time frames. Kiritaki (clients) with a suspected or confirmed diagnosis of complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) can be referred to our Pain Management services earlier than three months following their injury. 

This service provides interdisciplinary pain assessment and treatment and, if required, includes assessment by a specialist pain medicine physician. 

You can send a referral directly to a Pain Management services supplier in your area – there is a list of suppliers on our website.  

We have developed a template to help you make decisions on triaging a kiritaki. 

We are working on enabling electronic referral for this service in the future. 

More information is available on our website under ‘Help Managing pain from an injury’. 

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