What we do

We help prevent injuries and get New Zealanders and visitors back to everyday life if they’ve had an accident.

On this page

    Te kitenga roa - Our vision

    Our vision is Tōnui Ake Nei | Thriving Aotearoa - a future where we work together so that all people and their communities can live lives they value.

    Tōnui means ‘to thrive and prosper’. Ake Nei refers to something that is ‘increasing, rising, of great importance’.

    We touch the lives of a large number of New Zealanders. The health, rehabilitation and service providers who help people who are injured, the businesses, vehicle owners and workers who contribute to the Scheme, and any New Zealander or visitor to New Zealand who's injured in an accident.

    Our role is to make sure that all these groups’ needs are met, and making sure our clients get the right care at the right time, while keeping levies fair and stable. The Accident Compensation Act 2001 sets out how we run.

    Accident Compensation Act 2001

    Tō mātou aronga - Our purpose

    Our purpose is to improve lives every day through a focus on prevention, care, and recovery for all people in Aotearoa New Zealand who are affected by injury.

    Ngā uara - Our values

    1. Haumaru Aotearoa | Safe kiwis

      Ka whakahīkaka mātou i ngā tāngata o Aotearoa ki te noho haumaru, ki te mahi haumaru, ki te tākaro haumaru – e tutuki pai ai ngā mahinga katoa i te ao e nōhia ana e rātou.

      We motivate New Zealanders to live, work and play safely, so they can lead full and active lives.

    2. He hoamahi pai | Good partners

      Ka whakatītinahia ngā hononga ki ō mātou hoamahi i raro i te kaupapa o te kaupare me te manaaki wharanga, waihoki, ko ngā hononga ki ngā ahurea rerekē me te hapori whānui.

      We build close relationships with our partners in accident prevention and care, as well as within cultural groups and the wider community.

    3. He kaitiaki tōtika | Responsible stewards

      Ka mātua whai tikanga te kohikohi me te tuku pūtea e ea ai ngā hiahia o ngā Kiwi o nāianei, o āpōpō hoki.

      We gather and wisely invest our income to meet the needs of today’s and tomorrow’s Kiwis.

    4. Ko te tangata i mua i te tukanga | People before process

      Ka rongo mātou i ngā hiahia o te tinana me te ngākau o ia tangata, kia māmā ai te toro mai ki a mātou.

      We're responsive to each person’s physical and emotional needs, making it easy for people to engage with us.

    5. Te mahi tōtika, he ngākau tuwhera | Fair and open

      Ka mahi tōtika mātou, ka pono hoki ki ngā āhuatanga o ia tangata – ka whai noa i ngā whakatutukinga māmā i ngā wā e tika ana.

      We're fair and transparent about each person’s situation, applying common sense solutions when they're called for.

    Help when you're injured in an accident

    Everyone in New Zealand is covered by ACC’s no-fault scheme if they’re injured in an accident. This includes children, beneficiaries and students. It doesn’t matter if they’re working, unemployed or retired. It also includes visitors to New Zealand.

    The cover we provide helps pay for the costs of your recovery. This includes payment towards treatment, help at home and work, and help with your income.

    There are some limits to the support we can provide. These limits are set by Parliament, which makes laws about what we can and can’t support. For example, we can’t cover things like illness, conditions related to ageing, and emotional issues.

    Preventing injuries from happening

    Injuries can have a big impact on you, your family, friends, workmates and communities. That's why we're working with partners and communities to help you stay healthy and safe.

    Your business and levies

    Everyone in New Zealand who works and owns a business has to pay levies. The levies you pay provide cover for you and your employees if someone's injured. We work with you to help you manage employee injuries, while rewarding you for having a safer workplace.

    Registered health and service providers

    Anyone that's governed by the Accident Compensation Act 2001 as a treatment provider or registered health professional can register. We help you to become an ACC provider, help you to lodge and manage claims and make invoicing easier.

    Last published: 4 February 2025