Te kaupare wharangaPreventing injury
Working with trusted partners and communities to prevent injuries and keep you safe throughout Aotearoa New Zealand.

Get injury prevention tips to suit your lifestyle
Let us know what you're interested in and receive tips to help you avoid injuries and keep doing the things you love.

Have a hmmm...
If you get hurt, who gets harmed? Our injuries affect our friends, family, workmates and team mates too. Most injuries are preventable, so have a hmmm and stay injury free.

Safety at home
Most injuries at home are preventable. We've created handy hints to keep you and your whānau injury-free at home.

Staying safe from trips and falls
Maintaining your strength and balance can be an integral part of helping you to stay safe from falls and keep living the life you love. Learn how we're working to support you.

Māori injury prevention
We’re working to protect the wellbeing of whānau by investing in iwi-led, community and whānau-centred approaches.

Protecting tamariki and children
We’re working to protect tamariki, children, rangatahi, young people, whānau and families.

Violence prevention
We’re working to ensure children and young people are safe and flourish in Aotearoa New Zealand, and we are protecting the whakapapa of our tamariki, rangatahi and whānau.

Keeping safe on the road
With our partners, we’ve invested in programmes to support Kiwis in being safe on the road.

Injury-free sport and recreation
Injuries doing any sort of physical activity are preventable. Whether it is playing sport or enjoying the great outdoors, stay injury-free and keep doing the things you love.

Reducing traumatic brain injuries (TBI)
Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) and concussions affect many people in New Zealand. We want to create awareness and reduce the number, severity and impact of TBIs.

Making treatment safer
We're helping to make treatment safer for you. We support health professionals to improve the safety of treatment for New Zealanders.

Helping prevent pressure injuries
Pressure injuries can develop quickly in people who are sitting or lying for long periods. Most of these injuries can be prevented.