An injury can have a big impact on your life and those close to you. We care, and we’re here to support your recovery.
We're here for all businesses in Aotearoa New Zealand. Find out about the levies you pay, cover options, invoicing, and workplace health and safety initiatives.
Find what you need to make working together easy. Learn more about our contracts, invoicing and supporting patient treatment and recovery.
Learn more about our injury prevention programmes.
The Ride Forever programme delivers practical riding skills coaching online and on-road. Once completing the course, you are up to 50% less likely to have an motorcycle accident needing a claim.
Many trips and falls are preventable. Our Live Stronger for Longer programme can help you live the life you want.
We’re working to ensure children and young people are safe and flourish in Aotearoa New Zealand, and we are protecting the whakapapa of our tamariki, rangatahi and whānau.
We’re working to have safe, inclusive communities where everyone flourishes. We also want to secure a future where tamariki, children, rangatahi, young people, whānau and families are protected.
Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) affect many people in New Zealand. We want to create awareness and reduce the number, severity and impact of TBIs.
Pressure injuries can develop quickly in people who are sitting or lying for long periods. They can take a toll on the person and their whānau, but most are preventable.