Help at home after an injury

If we cover your injury, you may be able to get support to help around your home. This is so you can make a quick and safe recovery, and get back to your everyday activities.

Types of help you can get at home

The types of support you can apply for:

  • home help – to help with cleaning and looking after your home
  • attendant care – to help you with personal activities such as showering and dressing.

If you’re not living at home

We may be able to help if you’re staying with family or a friend until you can return home.

Let your recovery team know if you move while you're getting support from us.

What we'll pay for

If we accept your application, we’ll pay for the support you need.

View our payment rates for support services (PDF 90 KB)

You may have paid some of these costs while waiting to hear if we'll cover your injury. Talk to your recovery team about a possible refund.

How to apply for help at home

You can apply for support at home any time after we’ve accepted cover for your injury. To apply you can:

  • ask your doctor to send us a letter of recommendation. We’ll contact you once we get this
  • contact our claims team. Have your claim number ready
  • fill out the ACC001 form and send it to us by email or post, or drop it at your local ACC branch
  • contact your recovery team if you have one.

ACC001 Request for assistance (DOCX 131 KB)

Send us your application

Applying on someone else’s behalf

If you want to apply for help at home on behalf of someone, you’ll need to get their permission:

Giving someone authority to act on your behalf

Assessing what help you need at home

If you have a short recovery time, your recovery team can approve your application straight away. If your recovery looks like it will take longer, we’ll organise someone to come and assess what help you need.

Arranging your assessment

Once you apply, we’ll send a referral to an independent assessor. They’ll contact you within two working days to set up an appointment.

Assessments take place in your home. If you have to stay somewhere else because of your injury, we’ll assess you there.

Getting your assessment

The assessor will come and do an assessment within ten working days. They’ll talk to you about the support you need and come back to us with their recommendations.

We’ll let you know our decision

We’ll be in touch within seven working days after the assessment. We’ll talk to you about:

  • what help they recommended
  • our final decision on the support we can provide
  • how long you can get this support for
  • the next steps.

Deciding who helps you at home

You can choose to get home help and attendant care from:

  • a contracted caregiver from an agency
  • someone you know, such as a friend or someone from your family or whānau
  • a mix of care from an agency and someone you know.

It’s important to think about what tasks you’ll need help with. Some tasks can be quite personal (for example showering and toileting) so you’ll need to be comfortable with whoever you chose.

You can always change your mind if things aren’t working out, or if your needs change.

Learn more about deciding who will care for you

How long it will take to get help at home

Home help and attendant care

If you use an agency, we’ll send them a referral with the help that we’ve approved. They should contact you within two days.

Your private caregiver can start from the date we’ve agreed to pay for their services.

Extending your help at home

To apply to extend your support, contact your recovery team before this ends. You may need another assessment.

Contact us

If you have any problems or want to know more about how we can help, talk to your recovery team or contact our claims team:

Phone 0800 101 996 (Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm)

Send us your application

If you live in Northland, Auckland, Waikato or Bay of Plenty:

ACC Hamilton Hub 
PO Box 952
Hamilton 3240

If you live in Taranaki, Manawatu-Whanganui, Hawke's Bay, Wellington or the South Island:

ACC Dunedin Hub
PO Box 408
Dunedin 9054

Last published: 14 March 2024