Warm up

Released 03/12/2019


Text appears: “AIMS Games 2019”

Text appears throughout the video at bottom right: “ACC SportSmart”


Text appears: “Warm Up”


Text appear: “Jamie Tout”

Jamie Tout at the AIMS at a park setting


Jamie Tout – “Yeah look the warmups both a mental thing and it's a physical technical, technical thing as well. So what we do with our warmups is try and integrate”

Jamie Tout – “Both skills that are functional for getting you going but also things that relate back to the game and rugby is a chaotic game so trying to make sure that”

Jamie Tout – “During the warmup we're getting good decision-making we're getting the muscles warm we're trying get the”

Jamie Tout – “Athlete's prepared to go at 100% straight away rather than warming them self into a game as well”


Text appears: “For more information on concussion visit”

ACC SportSmart website address slides under the text




Text appear: “ACC SportSmart”