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Sarah Strong 'Keeping Balanced'

Released 23/10/2020


 Sarah Strong is listening to music with her headphones on.


Sarah: "I'm finding the things that help me escape. But still help me appreciate."


Sarah talking to an interviewer off-camera.


Sarah: "When you're in your past and in your dark places, you don't see that. You don't see the colour, you don't see the good things. So I make that effort to make sure I notice and appreciate those good things. There's so many things out there to be happy about: if it's a nice day, if you've seen a flower that's recently bloomed, when the pohutukawa trees are out, when the sea is looking really tranquil and calm, or even when it's looking stormy. There's so many things, for me going forward, that I notice now."


Sarah is looking out over the ocean.


Sarah: "For me one of the techniques was looking after myself and grounding myself. So I love being outdoors and so I forced myself to even when I wasn't feeling well. And for me those are my alone thinking time, getting back to nature. We're blessed with so many things. And more and more I feel myself feeling comfortable now sharing that with other as well people, so I'm OK walking with other people rather than being isolated and on my own."


Sarah talking to an interviewer off-camera.


Sarah: "Being active helps, I do a lot of cycling now, more than what I used to. And swimming - just being in the sea and feeling the cold. I listen a lot to music, I often walk around with headphones on. It could be music, it could be a book. I know that I'm strong, I know that I have gone through this and I know that I've dealt with it and I know other people can have that as well. But you have to decide yourself and take those steps, no one else can do it for you.


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