Chill out
Text appears: “AIMS Games 2019”
Text appears throughout the video at bottom right: “ACC SportSmart”
Text appears: “Cool Down”
Text appear: “Jamie Tout”
Jamie Tout at the AIMS with various people passing by at the back
Jamie Tout – “Yeah so recovery is still king. So when you're recovering there's not always opportunity between games to have full rest so we have active rest we have”
Jamie Tout – “Sleep, sleep’s still your biggest thing about recovery that we can all get okay managing our sleep. So sleep is really important particularly for young”
Jamie Tout – “Athletes who are growing and developing they grow when they're asleep as well, so it's important that sleep is king. Water and refuelling is really”
Jamie Tout – “Important and they're things we can control so that's they're all things we can do while still training. It's important though that you are also taking time”
Jamie Tout – “Away from sport and that again is not just a physical thing as a mental thing there as well, so it's important to give our self a break.”
Text appears: “For more information on concussion visit”
ACC SportSmart website address slides under the text
Text appear: “ACC SportSmart”