Christmas and New Year opening hours and pay dates
Our contact centre has reduced hours over the holiday season and weekly compensation payment dates may change due to public holidays.
See holiday hours and payment dates.
ACC Levies for Self-Employed customers
Four animated working figures appear on screen, including two office workers, a construction worker, and a photographer.
Narrator: "Are you new to self-employment? Do you freelance, contract, or receive scheduler payments?"
An animated version of a levy invoice appears
Narrator: "If the answer is yes, you'll need to pay ACC levies."
An animated person stands in the middle of the screen, and around them the screen splits into four squares to show them at home, on the sports field, on their phone, and walking.
Narrator: "ACC levies are paid by everyone who works or owns a business in Aotearoa New Zealand so we can help support you if you're injured in an accident at work, home, on the sports field, or just out and about."
The animated person has their arm in a sling, and bubbles appear around them showing them going back to work, getting financial aid, and being supported by ACC.
Narrator: "You pay an ACC levy so if something does happen we're able to help with the cost of treatment, recovery, returning to work, and loss of income if you can't work because of an injury."
An animated map of New Zealand appears, and the words "Here is what you need to know" appears.
Narrator: "The ACC scheme is unique to us, it's something we have in Aotearoa for each other. Here's what you need to know:
1. You're automatically covered by ACC's CoverPlus policy"
An animated version of an ACC levy invoice appears on screen
Narrator: "2. You'll receive your first ACC levy invoice in your second year of being self-employed. Invoices are then sent once a year in September."
A magnifying glass hovers over an animated levy invoice
Narrator: "3. You'll need to check and update your details before September. This is quick and easy to do online in MyACC for Business. This includes your levy Classification Unit (CU), this is how we determine your levy based on what kind of work you do and potential risk of injury, and if you work part-time or full-time."
Another levy invoice appears, and a pop-up appears with the words 30 days.
Narrator: "4. when you get your invoice it's important to pay it promptly, or within 30 days to avoid any penalties."
An animated screen with MyACC for Business appears. An imitation live-chat conversation occurs.
Narrator: "MyACC for Business is here to help make life easier, but if you do get stuck, you can chat to one of the team using the live chat function."
An animated New Zealand map appears, and pop-ups showing people's faces appear all around it.
Narrator: "Join the hundreds of thousands of other self-employed contractors and freelances around Aotearoa doing their ACC mahi online with MyACC for Business."