Search results for ‘COVID-19 Vaccination Claims Update -’
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Find high-level claim information to help you with business planning during COVID-19.
How to lodge, update and manage claims, search for the right read code and about our decision making process.
We’re making changes to our COVID vaccination policy, which will allow all ACC employees and visitors to access our offices from 26 April.
COVID-19 vaccine treatment injuries and long covid.
pdf 519 KB | Published September 2022Download -
Learn about lodging ONIHL claims, information required, and the invoice and purchase order process.
Information about treatment injury claims ACC has accepted following the COVID-19 vaccine.
pdf 1 MB | Published October 2022Download -
We’ve made an improvement to our claim approval notification process. Most kiritaki (clients) will now receive a text message from us instead of a posted letter.
Everything you need know about lodging a claim for your patient. This includes checking the type of claim and the forms you need to provide.
For online ACC45 claim submissions, we’ve made enhancements to further align gender representations with the current Stats New Zealand Standard. The current ‘Gender Diverse’ category has been updated to read as ‘Another Gender’.
Following a consultation with ACC employees, all ACC employees and visitors to ACC sites will require a valid Vaccine Pass from 15 December 2021.