Our new vaccination policy

Following a consultation with ACC employees, all ACC employees and visitors to ACC sites will require a valid Vaccine Pass from 15 December 2021.
We are implementing a vaccination policy that will require all ACC employees and visitors to ACC sites to have a valid Vaccine Pass from 15 December 2021.
ACC Chief Executive Megan Main says the move follows consultation on a proposed vaccination policy with ACC employees last week. “Of the just over 50% of ACC employees who responded to the consultation, 85% are in favour of the policy.
“The policy is designed to ensure ACC is providing a healthy and safe work environment and supporting the wellbeing of our people, she says. “I appreciate this may be an unsettling process for some of our people, some of whom are not vaccinated but we have a plan in place to ensure they will still be able to work remotely.”
ACC’s vaccination policy will mean from 15 December:
- In order to be in an ACC office or location, ACC employees, contractors, providers, suppliers and visitors will need to be vaccinated and show a valid Vaccine Pass.
- Unvaccinated people (or people who choose not to disclose their vaccination status) will not be able to go into ACC offices and locations.
- Unvaccinated staff will not be able to enter ACC sites. However they will be able to work remotely up until April 2022.
“Over the next few months we will have time to consider whether working from home is a viable permanent option for some roles and how we design our ways of working in a way that supports this.
“We followed advice from Te Kawa Mataaho Public Service Commission in developing and consulting on our proposed policy, and also considered aligning where appropriate with other Government agencies," Megan Main says.
“We know from Government and Ministry of Health information that getting vaccinated provides one of the best protections against catching the virus and giving it to other people. People who are vaccinated and who do get COVID-19 are also far less likely to get really sick. “
We will continue to support our clients, irrespective of their vaccine status.
Most clients that visit our sites do so to drop off forms. However, a small proportion do meet with us to discuss their recovery needs. We recognise that some of these will not be vaccinated. Despite the small volume, we want to ensure we are doing everything we can to support these clients, irrespective of their vaccine status, while protecting the safety of our people. To achieve this, we are introducing the following measures:
- Drop-off boxes to be installed at all sites: To streamline the process of dropping off forms, we will be installing drop-off boxes at all ACC sites. This contactless option will be available to all.
- Telephone support offered as an alternative to face-to-face contact: Anyone visiting an ACC office or location that is unable to show a valid Vaccine Pass will not be permitted to enter the building; however, we will contact them by telephone and help over the phone.
- Off-site meetings with clients, suppliers and other customers will continue, with appropriate controls in place: If a face-to-face meeting is required, we will make alternative arrangements at a location convenient to the client or customer, ensuring all appropriate controls are in place (physical distancing, mask wearing).
If you plan to visit an ACC site, please read our Information for visitors article.
Our new vaccination policy – information for visitors