What’s your plan to transition kiritaki to new Sensitive Claims Service?

Released 30/10/2024

The new Sensitive Claims Service launches on Sunday 1 December 2024. You can use our new interactive guide to help you plan how you’ll transition kiritaki (clients) to the new contract. This will ensure they can continue to receive the treatment and services they need.

The guide offers steps you can take depending on your specific scenario. Scenarios covered include:

•    both the supplier and provider are transitioning to the new contract
•    the provider is transitioning to the new contract, but the supplier is not
•    the supplier is transitioning to the new contract, but the provider is not
•    the supplier and provider are not transitioning to the new contract.

View the Sensitive Claims Service transition guide

While this guide covers the most common scenarios, there may be some that aren’t covered. If, after using the guide, you need additional guidance, please consult with your supplier.

Get support

If suppliers or providers need further support determining a transition pathway for kiritaki, you can see our Frequently Asked Questions, or email us:

Frequently Asked Questions



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