Sensitive Claims Service tender now closed for suppliers

Released 29/05/2024

The tender for the new Sensitive Claims Service contract is now closed for suppliers. All applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application by no later than 2 September 2024.

However, the application form for named service providers will remain open until 5 pm on 2 August 2024. Providers who deliver counselling services, as defined by the Accident Insurance (“Counsellor”) Regulations 1999, must be approved and named on a Sensitive Claims Service contract. This applies to the following professions: psychiatrists, psychologists, psychotherapists, counsellors, and social workers delivering counselling services.

Named service provider application form

In addition, the registration form for service providers delivering non-counselling services will remain open indefinitely. This form is only for registered nurses, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, speech-language therapists, dieticians and social workers who would like to provide services to kiritaki (clients) under the new Sensitive Claims Service contract. Only those who do NOT have an ACC Provider ID need to register.

Service provider registration form

More information about these forms, including the service schedule for the Sensitive Claims Service, FAQs and instructions, are available on the tender notice on GETS.

GETS | Accident Compensation Corporation - Sensitive Claims Service 2024 - Request for Application

The current contract, known as the Integrated Services for Sensitive Claims (ISSC), expires on 30 November 2024, and the new Sensitive Claims Service contract launches on 1 December 2024.

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