Reminder: named provider application for Sensitive Claims Service closes 2 August
The last day for named service providers to apply to deliver services under the new Sensitive Claims Service contract is 2 August 2024.
The Sensitive Claims Service is a support, assessment and treatment service for survivors of sexual abuse and assault. The current contract ends on 30 November 2024 and the new contract begins on 1 December 2024. Providers who deliver counselling services, as defined by the Accident Insurance (“Counsellor”) Regulations 1999, must be approved by ACC to deliver services, and named on a Sensitive Claims Service contract. This applies to the following professions: psychiatrists, psychologists, psychotherapists, counsellors, and social workers delivering counselling services.
Access the named service provider application form
When submitting your application, please make sure your application includes all the necessary information and documents. This will help prevent delays and returned applications.
Below are some of the common reasons for returning applications:
- missing APC
- missing Membership (either receipt or certificate)
- missing CV
- forms not fully completed
- forms not signed and dated by both the service provider and supplier
- addresses missing off the ACC6243 form.
More information, including the service schedule for the Sensitive Claims Service, FAQs and instructions, are available on the tender notice on GETS.
GETS | Accident Compensation Corporation - Sensitive Claims Service 2024 - Request for Application