Due to a bank error, client payments made on Wednesday 5 March may have been paid twice.
We understand the bank has reversed the duplicate payment and this transaction should show in your bank account. If you believe there is still a payment error, please contact your bank.

Provider Travel Policy reminder

Released 29/11/2024

In July we let you know that we’ve updated our travel policy, to clarify our position on provider travel and ensure all providers are meeting their responsibilities.

As a reminder:
•    ACC does not pay for the first 20 kms of total distance, nor the first 30 minutes of total travel time
•    only use the TT1 service item code suffix
•    for suppliers continuing to phase out the TT5 service item code, invoicing must align with this our Travel Policy.

View the Travel Policy for providers

Providers travelling outside their geographical area need to measure travel time and distance from the boundary of the geographical area, noting the first 20 kms of distance and the first 30 minutes of travel time are not deducted.

See Geographic Boundary Viewer

Updated supplier travel calculator

We’ve updated the supplier calculator to two types: 
•    one for calculating travel within a provider’s geographical area 
•    one for travelling outside the provider’s geographical area.

View the supplier travel calculator

If you have any questions regarding our new travel policy, email:

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