New webinar series about new ISSC contract
We’re launching a webinar series in March 2024 for suppliers and providers interested in tendering for the new Integrated Services for Sensitive Claims (ISSC) contract or being a named provider under a contract.
The webinars are designed to help you learn more about the new ISSC contract and what’s required to apply for the new contract, which will go to market on 2 April 2024.
These webinars will be recorded and made available on our website.
Here’s what we’ll be offering:
Monday 11 March 2024, 1:00-2:00 pm
This webinar is for small suppliers (suppliers with no more than 9 named providers). It will cover Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for the new ISSC contract, information about the training and onboarding we’ll be offering, and guidance on how to transition clients to the new contract, with ample time for Q&A.
Register now for this webinar
Tuesday 12 March 2024, 4:00-5:00 pm
This webinar is for medium suppliers (suppliers with 10-49 named providers). It will cover Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for the new ISSC contract, information about the training and onboarding we’ll be offering, and guidance on how to transition clients to the new contract, with ample time for Q&A.
Register now for this webinar
Wednesday 13 March 2024, 4:00-5:00 pm
This webinar is for large suppliers (suppliers with 50 or more named providers). It will cover Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for the new ISSC contract, information about the training and onboarding we’ll be offering, and guidance on how to transition clients to the new contract, with ample time for Q&A.
Register now for this webinar
Wednesday 20 March, 1:00-2:00 pm
This webinar is for providers who wish to apply to deliver ISSC services. We will provide a brief overview of the new ISSC service design and what the provider process will look like, with ample time for Q&A.
Register now for this webinar
We will also be holding online briefings about the application process once the tender goes live in April. Details will be provided with the GETS tender notice.