Sensitive Claims Named Service Provider application reopening date

Released 04/10/2024

The named service provider application for the Sensitive Claims Service will reopen on 3 February 2025. 

On that date, any named service providers who have not applied can apply to deliver services under the Sensitive Claims Service contract. In addition, existing named service providers for the Sensitive Claims Service will be able to make changes and/or add services to their current approval. 

Named service providers are providers who deliver counselling services, as defined by the Accident Insurance (“Counsellor”) Regulations 1999. This applies to the following professions: psychiatrists, psychologists, psychotherapists, counsellors, and social workers delivering counselling services.  

To deliver services to kiritaki (clients), named service providers must first: 

  • apply and be approved by ACC, and 
  • reach out to a supplier to be named on their contract.  

For more information about the Sensitive Claims Service contract, please see Sensitive-Claims-Service-Service-Schedule.pdf ( or visit Integrated Services for Sensitive Claims (ISSC) (

Note: If you are a registered nurse, occupational therapist, physiotherapist, dietitian, speech language therapist, or a social worker, you do NOT need to complete the named service provider application form. To deliver services to kiritaki under the Sensitive Claims Service contract, you will need to register with us to obtain a provider ID. If you already have an ACC Provider ID, you do NOT need to register.

Register now at: 

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