Integrated Care Pathways Musculoskeletal Service Contract – tender update

Released 07/11/2023

All Request for Applications (RFAs) submitted by the close date have now been evaluated. All applicants will be contacted soon and advised if they’re going through to step two of the application process, or not.  

Step two involves an interview with the evaluation panel. At the interview, the panel will be looking to gain a deeper understanding of the applicants ICPMSK service.   

Successful applicants will be awarded contracts by January 2024. 

Thank you to everyone who has shown support for this new service and to those that submitted an RFA. The aim is to improve outcomes for kiritaki with similar injury types and increase the quality and efficiency of their recovery. Its pleasing to see the support for this new way of working to support kiritaki with injuries that have multiple treatment and rehabilitation needs. 

Missed the tender? 

The ICPMSK service will reopen for applications in March 2024 and will be open for the term of the contract. The application process will remain the same.  

We’ll let you know when the tender is open again via our website and this newsletter.   

How to apply for ICPMSK 


Integrated Care Pathways Musculoskeletal tender dates announced (

Integrated Care Pathways Musculoskeletal Service Contract – tender now open (

Integrated Care Pathways Musculoskeletal Service Contract – tender now closed (


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