Information to help manage capacity for the Integrated Services for Sensitive Claims (ISSC) 

Released 31/07/2024

As part of the ISSC quarterly reporting cycle, you provide us with valuable information about the number of kiritaki (clients) that use your services, how many you place on a waitlist (if you manage a waitlist), and the number of referrals you couldn’t accept.  
According to the latest data we received:  
The total number of kiritaki reported to be on waitlists for March 2024 through to May 2024 was 1,102 – down from 1,347 in the previous quarter (note that kiritaki may be double counted if they are on separate waitlists with multiple suppliers).   
27,661 referrals couldn’t be accepted due to capacity constraints. This is up from 21,100 last quarter. This doesn’t mean 27,661 unique kiritaki were referred — people may have contacted more than one supplier to find an available provider or to go on a waitlist.   
The average wait time across all regions is 9 weeks — it was 15 weeks last quarter. This doesn’t mean all kiritaki who wanted to start ISSC services during this quarter had to wait 9 weeks — the wait time is only for kiritaki who were on a waitlist. We have no way of knowing how many kiritaki accessed services without having to wait. During the same period, 4,193 new sensitive claims were lodged - of which 2,085 went on to receive support through the ISSC.  
Please refer to the ISSC Operational Guidelines for more information on how you can manage waitlists, decline referrals, and deliver services outside of your Territorial Authority (TA) to address capacity issues.  

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