Home and Community Support Services contract – tender now closed

Released 03/10/2023

The tender for the two new Home & Community Support Services contracts has closed and we are now reviewing submissions.  

The contract changes allow us to better tailor services to meet the distinct needs of different client groups and improve choice and experience for kiritaki. 

Next steps 

By the end of October, businesses will be advised if they’ve been shortlisted to progress to the next stage. 

We’ll then invite businesses to meet the evaluation panel for an online interview sometime between mid-November and early December. 

We aim to let people know the outcome of their application before Christmas. 

During February, we will introduce new providers to the ways of working with ACC and support them to be ready to deliver the new contract. We will also support existing providers to transition to the new contracts. 

The new contracts go live on 1 March 2024. 

Find out more about the Home and Community Support Services contract changes

If you have questions, get in touch. 

Email ihcs@acc.co.nz

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