Expert Advisory Group announced for Primary Acute Care

Released 28/09/2023

We are pleased to announce the formation of an Expert Advisory Group to help evolve the way the organisation supports community based primary acute care. 

We recognise the important role urgent care clinics provide in meeting the injury-related after-hours and acute care needs of patients. These clinics are funded through our Urgent Care Contract. 

Dr John Robson, ACC Chief Clinical Officer and Head of Health Partnerships, says we also recognise the challenges experienced by the primary acute care sector involves more than Urgent Care Clinics.  

“As a result, we need to consider more broadly how we can ensure people who have experienced an injury have access to care when, and where, they need it,” Dr Robson says. 

“To do this we need to engage across the sector, so we’re delighted with the individuals who have come forward to be part of the Expert Advisory Group and look forward to working with all the members selected. 

“We know we’re in a changing environment and that we need to consider how we can support equitable access for all ACC clients who need injury-related primary acute care services.  

“The Expert Advisory Group will provide valuable insights and guidance about opportunities and solutions for the delivery of injury-related community based primary acute care in Aotearoa New Zealand.” 

We received more than 80 applications to join the Expert Advisory Group after expressions of interest went out to the sector in July. 

Selection criteria was based on bringing together a wide range of experience, skills and backgrounds to ensure a diverse representation from the sector.  

This is reflected in the 14-person group, which includes urgent care clinicians; GPs, nurses and nurse practitioners representing urban and rural; Māori and Pasifika clinicians and professionals from pharmacy, ambulance and radiology. The Expert Advisory Group also includes members from ACC, Te Aka Whai Ora, Te Whatu Ora and Manatū Hauora. 

Advice and insights provided by the group will contribute to the design of a new service, which is expected to be ready for implementation by 1 July 2025. 

Dr Robson thanked applicants for their interest, and emphasised that the advisory group will not be the only opportunity to engage in this important mahi. 

“We want to acknowledge the time and effort that went into each application,” he says. 

“We recognise the importance of working with the sector to identify what the future of the community based primary acute care and urgent care services will look like. 

“We are planning a number of engagement opportunities for the sector to keep up-to-date and engaged with this work, and will update providers in the coming months.” 


ACC Primary Acute Care Expert Advisory Group
(Name, region, areas of expertise)

Please note, all external members of the Expert Advisory Group are appointed as individuals, not as representatives of their employers. 

Adam O'Byrne, Dunedin - Manager accident and medical clinic 

Rowan Plater, Napier –Urgent Care Nurse, member of the College of Emergency Nurses New Zealand 

Dr Matt Wright, Auckland - Fellow of the Royal New Zealand College of Urgent Care and executive committee member 

Dr Claire Russell, Waikato - Fellow of the Royal NZ College of General Practice and Fellow of Royal NZ College of Urgent Care, rural GP 

Dr Daniel Calder, Auckland – Fellow of the Royal NZ College of General Practice 

Dr Miriam Martin, West Coast & Christchurch - Fellow of the Royal NZ College of General Practice and Fellow of Royal NZ College of Urgent Care, rural GP 

Kris Gagliardi, Nelson – Critical Care Paramedic and General Manager – clinical Improvement in the ambulance sector 

Brooke McKay, Wellington – Community Pharmacist 

Dr Richard Hulme, Auckland - Fellow of the Royal NZ College of General Practice and Fellow of Royal NZ College of Urgent Care 

Tania Kemp, Great Barrier Island - Nurse Practitioner, rural Nurse 

Dr Logan Fletcher, Bay of PlentyRadiologist, musculoskeletal specialty 

Health sector agency representatives 

Nadine Gray - Chief Nursing Officer, Te Aka Whai Ora 

Dr Anna Skinner - Clinical Chief Advisor, Manatū Hauora 

Michael James - Primary care commissioning, Te Whatu Ora 

ACC representatives 

Ceri Martin (Expert Advisory Group Chair), Merian Graham (Portfolio Manager), Paul Abernethy (Health Partner), Dr Rochelle Phipps (Strategic Clinical Advisor) 


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