Christmas and New Year opening hours and pay dates

Our contact centre has reduced hours over the holiday season and weekly compensation payment dates may change due to public holidays.

See holiday hours and payment dates

Do you have a client or know someone who is a survivor of abuse in care?

Released 30/05/2024

The Survivor Experiences Service is a supportive, confidential place for survivors of abuse in care and their whānau to share their experiences. This service started as a response to a recommendation by the Royal Commission of Inquiry into abuse in state and faith-based care.   

The Service provides a space for survivors of abuse in care to allow their experiences to be heard, validated and acknowledged. Services are tailored to a survivor’s unique needs and create a non-judgemental space.  

Survivors can choose how to share their experiences – face to face, virtually or in writing. The Service provides fully accessible short-term support to help survivors share their experiences, with referrals to other support services where needed.  

Learn more about the Survivor Experiences Service  

Note: The Survivor Experiences Service is not an ACC service. It is guided by an independent Board and housed within Te Tari Taiwhenua Department of Internal Affairs.

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