Cost of treatment regulations pricing error for all specified treatment providers

Released 02/07/2024

The Specified Treatment Providers pricing sheet was updated on 24 June 2024 due to a pricing error. This only applies to the 50-minute face-to-face consultation for all specified treatment providers. 

The price was incorrectly listed at $66.12, this should have been $66.11.  

The codes affected for a 50-minute consultation are: 

  • OT01 
  • OST1 
  • ACU1 
  • PHY3 
  • POD1 
  • CH01 
  • ST01 

If you invoice us manually, please ensure your system reflects the correct price.  We have notified PMS vendors who are currently updating their systems.  

All invoices will be paid at the correct rate of $66.11. 

We apologise for any inconvenience. 

View our updated registered specialist costs information sheet.

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