Breaking the cycle of violence: second action plan launched
ACC proudly supports the second Te Aorerekura Action Plan as part of the government’s national strategy to eliminate family violence and sexual violence, launched in December 2024.
We lead and support a range of work that contributes to the ambition and vision of Te Aorerekura – where all people in Aotearoa are thriving and live free from violence. This consists of mahi (work) to provide fit-for-purpose support services, including our recently launched new Sensitive Claims Service.
We’re also working to create the changes needed to achieve safe, inclusive communities free from violence. This includes initiatives such as the ‘Hikitia! For our Future’ community-led prevention partners, kaupapa Māori informed prevention, communications to challenge and shift social norms, and building a skilled prevention workforce.
The second action plan is more focused on priority areas with fewer actions. And while ACC may have a lesser role in the second action plan, our commitment to the kaupapa, and investment in preventing and responding to sexual violence continues and has not changed.
We look forward to continuing the second phase of this important mahi with Te Puna Aonui, other government agencies, tangata whenua, community organisations and whānau.