Assisted Recovery Team early improvements update

Released 30/05/2024

Alongside the work our Rehabilitation Improvement Group did last year, we started work on early improvements based on what our clients, providers, employers and staff had told us. One of these initiatives is to introduce a one-to-one approach for new Assisted Recovery clients with weekly compensation claims.

We currently have eight teams operating in a one-to-one way. Through a phased approach, more teams are expected to be transitioned into this way of working by August 2024. So far clients are reporting a better experience and we’ve seen an increase in employer engagement too.

As we transition the teams into this way of working some providers might be experiencing a delay in responses from our Assisted Recovery team members who are still working in our many-to-many service model. We are training and onboarding new team members now and from July expect to see our response levels improve.

During this transition period, it’s important our urgent email process is used appropriately. This will ensure any risks to the health or safety of clients will be escalated and actioned effectively. 

Here’s a reminder of our urgent escalation process:

  • Call us if you require immediate attention (i.e. a patient safety issue).
  • Email us with ‘urgent’ in the subject line if you need urgent assistance.
  • Call the Provider Helpline and ask to be put through to an Assisted Recovery leader if you are concerned about the management of an Assisted Recovery claim.

Thank you for your patience through this time of transition. 

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