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Advance notice of intent to release tender for HTI services

Released 21/06/2024

Yesterday, ACC placed an Advance Notice on the Government’s Electronic Tender Service (GETS) advising of our intent to release a tender to the open market for the provision of high-tech imaging services in the Auckland region.

As a large funder of health services, it’s important ACC continually looks at how to drive greater value for New Zealanders and deliver better outcomes for kiritaki (clients). Each year ACC funds around 150,000 high-tech imaging scans and procedures, and – as you’re aware – we have seen the total cost of these services increase by 10% per annum over the last five years.

The outcomes of this procurement process in Auckland will inform development of our approach for the rest of New Zealand.

We expect to release the tender in July. You can sign up via GETS to be notified when the tender goes live. We will also notify all existing HTI suppliers via email.

If you have any questions, please refer to the Advance Notice and associated FAQs available on GETS. Questions will be able to be submitted via GETS once the tender is live.

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