Kaupapa Māori solutions
We’re developing solutions to protect the wellbeing of whānau and provide them with greater choice in accessing health services when they are injured.

Our understanding of kaupapa Māori solutions: Indigenous, localised, whānau-centred solutions designed by Māori, with Māori, underpinned by tikanga and delivered by providers who identify as Māori, primarily for Māori, but available to all.
Mahi tahi
Partnering for wellbeing
We are partnering with Māori specialists to establish new ACC kaupapa Māori solutions that enable whānau to live well and, if injured, to access services that are culturally safe and appropriate, as defined by Māori.
Tō mātou tūāpapa
Our foundation
We understand that to do better for Māori we need to do things differently. We will partner with Māori to give effect to Te Tiriti o Waitangi / The Treaty of Waitangi and commit to achieving equitable wellbeing outcomes for Māori.
We want to ensure whānau have options in the care and initiatives available to them. We recognise that localised approaches to service design and delivery are best placed to meet the specific needs of hapori (communities) and support them to participate fully in their hauora (health) and oranga (wellbeing).
Tērā e whāia ana
What we're seeking
We're seeking to design:
kaupapa Māori initiatives with a focus on the prevention of sexual violence through the promotion of mana-enhancing and tapu-enriched relationships
kaupapa Māori hauora (health) and rehabilitation services with a focus on supporting kiritaki (clients) with complex injuries and a high level of need (including, but not limited to, kiritaki who have experienced serious injuries and sexual violence).
Once the design of these solutions are approved, we’ll seek kaupapa Māori providers to deliver the initiatives and services. Later, we’ll consider other wellbeing initiatives and services to support other injury types.

Māori injury prevention
Oranga whakapapa is a by Māori, for Māori, approach to prevent sexual violence and create safe communities that enable tamariki, rangatahi and whānau to flourish.

Kaupapa Māori health services
Health services are about supporting kiritaki and whānau when they are injured, including those with serious injuries and survivors of sexual violence.
Te takenga o ā mātou mahi
Our journey
We’ll partner with Māori specialists to design and deliver these initiatives and services in rohe (regions) across Aotearoa. Each rohe will have its own needs, so each service will be designed independently of one another.
Our partners will bring mātauranga (knowledge) and strong community connections and will work with iwi, ACC kiritaki and whānau to ensure the services and initiatives meet local needs.
We will take a staged (tranche) approach to establishing these solutions. This will allow us to test and ensure we have the right resourcing available to support the kaupapa in each rohe.
Engagement with iwi, with an emphasis on relationship building, will be a priority in each rohe, ahead of each tranche.
Rohe map
An updated rohe map will be shared in early 2025.
Tranche 1 (Tainui waka rohe): Design completed. Test phase underway for kaupapa Māori health services. Injury prevention initiatives will be determined at a later date.
Tranche 2 (Te Tai Tokerau & Tāmaki Makaurau): Design completed. Test phase commences 2025.
Tranche 3 (Mātaatua & Te Arawa): Engagement phase.
Aro tonu mai
Watch this space
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If you have any general pātai (questions) you can email us.
Email kmhs@acc.co.nz