Our strategy | Huakina Te Rā
Huakina Te Rā is our new 10-year strategy. It incorporates our vision, tōnui ake nei, a future where all people, whānau and communities can thrive.
Learn about our commitment to a partnership approach to better achieve our dual-framed goals.
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Our strategy is available to download or print.
Why Huakina Te Rā?
In the early 1970s, ACC was set up to provide no-fault cover for people hurt by accident or injury - at work, at home or at play. Our role is fundamentally the same now as it was back then. ACC is still here to:
- help people stay safe from injury
- compensate those who are injured
- support injured people to recover and rehabilitate.
However, the world we operate in today is very different to the 1970s and as an organisation, we have also matured. Huakina Te Rā is an evolution, which builds on what we have achieved with our partners over the past 50 years and will support us to achieve our aspirations in today’s Aotearoa New Zealand.
Our statement on Te Tiriti o Waitangi/The Treaty of Waitangi
We recognise that Te Tiriti o Waitangi/The Treaty of Waitangi is a founding document of Aotearoa New Zealand and established the country as a nation.
We will partner with Māori to give effect to Te Tiriti o Waitangi/The Treaty of Waitangi. We are committed to achieving equitable wellbeing outcomes for Māori.
Te kitenga roa | Our vision
Tōnui ake nei | Thriving Aotearoa
Tō tātou aronga | Our purpose
Kia piki ake te oranga o ngā tangata ia rā | To improve lives every day
Ngā whāinga matua | Our dual-framed goals
Our strategic goals are dual-framed for tangata whenua and tangata Tiriti and are complementary. This means that as we aim for better access, experiences and outcomes for all people in Aotearoa New Zealand, we also maintain a focus on engaging and partnering with Māori. The goals are:
Mana taurite | Equity
Prioritising our efforts to ensure everyone who needs our help can get the services they need.
Ringa atawhai | Guardianship
Focusing on partnership with Māori. Improving ease and simplicity of our experiences and keeping a close eye on efficiency and financial responsibility.
Oranga whānau | Safe and resilient communities
Helping whānau and communities reduce the impact of injury and better support those people who have been impacted. Enabling and supporting initiatives that are locally designed and delivered.
Ngā pae ārahi | Our guiding principles
We uphold Te Tiriti o Waitangi/The Treaty of Waitangi through:
Whāia te tika
We strive to do what is right.
Whāia te pono
We undertake to act justly.
Whāia te aroha
We are considerate of everyone.
Mō te oranga whānau
We improve the lives of whānau.
Ki te ao mārama
We strive to grow and evolve.
Te ara hou | What we will do
For our actions to be effective we will make these five shifts:
Te tirohanga Tiriti | Tangata whenua and tangata Tiriti world views and framing
We take an explicit Te Tiriti o Waitangi / The Treaty of Waitangi partnership approach, by including both tangata whenua and tangata Tiriti world views.
Te whakawhanaungatanga | Trusted and valued partnerships
We build and maintain trusted partnerships through transparency, shared outcomes and respect. We work with our partners to co-design and deliver services.
Te oranga o ngā tāngata | Personal wellbeing in the context of whānau and community
We partner with whānau and communities to better understand wellbeing needs and enable people to get their lives back on track.
Te noho tōpū | Integrated system
We work with our partners to share data, provide services, design new initiatives and solutions to effectively support people, whānau and communities.
Te Kaihāpai | Proactive
We ensure people get the right services, at the right time, preventing and reducing the impact of injury.
Bringing Huakina Te Rā to life
The Statement of Intent describes what success looks like over the next four years under Huakina Te Rā. It is how we will measure our progress against the 10-year strategy goals and outcomes.
It contains the medium-term results that describe what we aim to achieve. These tell us where to concentrate our efforts to deliver our goals for the people we serve. The medium-term results also show how we will continue to improve the organisational health and capability of ACC.
Te Tauākī Whakamaunga Atu | Statement of Intent 2023-2027
The Service Agreement is the annual agreement between ACC and the Minister for ACC. It sets out the initiatives we will pursue to progress our Huakina Te Rā in the short term, the outputs we are funded to provide, and the performance measures and targets against which we will assess our operational performance for the next four years.