Christmas and New Year opening hours and pay dates

Our contact centre has reduced hours over the holiday season and weekly compensation payment dates may change due to public holidays.

See holiday hours and payment dates


Accessibility is about inclusion and making sure everyone, including disabled people and those using assistive technologies, can access our online information and services.

Accessibility of information charter

We are committed to improving the lives of New Zealanders, and are committed to the Accessibility Charter. The Accessibility Charter was launched by MSD on 15 February 2018.
It is expected all government agencies will sign the Charter.

The Accessibility Charter: A commitment to accessible information - Ministry for Social Development

It means we are working progressively to ensure all information we produce is accessible to everyone, and that all people can interact with our services in a way that meets their individual needs and promotes their independence and dignity.

Accessibility is a high priority for all our work. This means:

  • meeting the New Zealand Government Web Accessibility Standard and the Web Usability Standard
  • making sure our resources are available in a range of accessible formats
  • ensuring that our vendors comply with accessibility standards and requirements
  • responding positively when our people and our customers let us know of any inaccessibility issues in our information and processes, and working to resolve the situation
  • adopting a flexible approach to interacting with the public where an individual may not otherwise be able to carry out their business with full independence and dignity.

We will continue to actively champion accessibility within our leadership teams so that providing accessible information to the public is considered business as usual.

We will also continue our work toward being a fair and inclusive workplace where all employees feel valued and have a strong sense of belonging.

Last published: 7 August 2023