Integrated Care Pathways Musculoskeletal Board approval

Released 05/07/2023

Good news! We’ve reached a significant milestone and have received Board approval for ICPMSK.

Our Board supports the proposed service design and have asked us to complete one more step before we open the contract for tender. We have been asked, as stewards of the scheme, to provide some extra assurances that the procurement process is fair to all interested parties.

When we bring this contract to the market, we need to ensure all potential suppliers are treated equally and able to respond. This will be a new way of working for many suppliers and providers, so it’s important we get it right for you and our kiritaki.

This means the tender process is now likely to start late August or early September. As soon as we know these dates, we’ll let you know.

In the meantime, we’ll be holding a series of webinars to help you build your knowledge of ICPMSK and understand if this service is right for you.

Register your interest for the ICPMSK webinars

Learn more about ICPMSK

Correction: The webinar registration link provided previously was not active and has not recorded any details you may have sent. If you have registered before 6 July, please provide your details again using this link. We apologise for any inconvenience. 

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