Independent review of our health services environment

Released 03/07/2023

New Zealand’s health sector has gone through significant change. This is impacted by:

  • health reforms
  • the ongoing effect of COVID-19
  • workforce shortages
  • cost pressures
  • the inflationary environment.

As a large funder of health services in New Zealand, it’s important we understand how these dynamics are impacting the sector, including our own impact on it. Our ability to support injured New Zealanders depends on health providers, and their staff, to deliver services.

For these reasons, we've issued a Request for Proposal (RFP) to selected vendors. It seeks an independent review of our health services environment.

The purpose of this review is to gain a broader understanding of:

  • the distribution of spend
  • outcomes achieved
  • if there are significant supply gaps for certain services, either regionally or locally.

It will also benchmark ACC against global standards to gain a comparative perspective.

The independent review will allow us to understand how we work with the health sector and procure and commission services in this changing environment.

By commissioning this independent review, we aim to:

  • uphold our responsibility of good stewardship of the levy funding entrusted to us
  • gain an informed understanding of the current health sector dynamics
  • maximise the impact of our funding
  • provide the best outcomes for our clients through effective delivery of services.

A closed tender has been issued to selected vendors, with a final report anticipated by the end of the year.

As a provider of health services, how can I contribute to the review?

The preferred vendor will provide their recommended approach to complete this independent review. This may include the design and facilitation of stakeholder engagement. We can provide a further update in August, when the preferred vendor is appointed.

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