Our new vaccination policy – information for visitors

From 15 December 2021, all ACC employees and visitors to our offices and locations will require a valid Vaccine Pass.
We are implementing a vaccination policy that will require all ACC employees and visitors to our offices and locations to have a valid Vaccine Pass from 15 December 2021.
We’re doing this to provide a healthy and safe work environment and supporting the wellbeing of our people. It also ensures we comply with our health and safety obligations.
We recognise this is a unsettling time for many and want to ensure we are doing everything we can to support you, irrespective of your vaccine status. To achieve this, we are introducing a range of new measures.
If you are a client with a valid vaccine pass and want to visit us
Our offices and locations in areas with a ‘red traffic light’ setting are currently closed to the public (the banner at the top of the homepage provides up to date information on this).
If you want to meet with us in person at one of our other sites in an ‘orange traffic light’ setting, you’ll need a valid Vaccine Pass to access our offices and sites from 15 December. For information on how to get your pass, visit the My Vaccine Pass website.
We will have security staff onsite checking vaccine passes at a selection of our sites. This includes Victoria Street in Hamilton, Tauranga, New Plymouth, Palmerston North, Hastings, Shamrock House in Wellington, Nelson, Timaru, Dunedin, Invercargill, and Christchurch. You won’t need an appointment to speak with someone at these locations.
Our small sites will be closed to visitors, unless you have a pre-arranged meeting. This includes Alexandra, Greymouth, Porirua, Hutt Valley, and Masterton. Whanganui and Whakatane, currently in red settings, will also be in this category if they move to the ‘orange traffic light’ setting. To make an appointment, please contact your recovery team member or our contact centre on 0800 101 996 with any queries. Someone from our team will check your Vaccine Pass on arrival for your appointment.
If you’re a client without a valid Vaccine Pass and want to visit
From 15 December you will need a valid Vaccine Pass to enter our sites. However, we want to ensure we are doing everything we can to support you, irrespective of your vaccine status.
- Drop-off boxes to be installed at all sites: To streamline the process of dropping off forms, we will be installing drop-off boxes at all ACC sites. This contactless option will be available to all.
- Telephone support offered as an alternative to face-to-face contact: Please call us on 0800 101 996, and we will provide you support over the phone.
- Arrange an off-site meeting: If we can’t support you over the phone and a face-to-face meeting is required, we will make alternative arrangements at a location convenient to you, ensuring all appropriate controls are in place (physical distancing, mask wearing).
If you are a health provider, service supplier or business customer and want to visit us
If you want to meet with us in person, you’ll need a valid Vaccine Pass to access our offices and sites from 15 December.
If you don’t have a valid Vaccine Pass, please contact your relationship holder at ACC and make alternative arrangements, such as phone or video conference.
If you are simply dropping off information, please use the drop boxes that are being installed at our sites across the country.