Proposed vaccination policy for ACC employees and visitors

To protect the health, safety and wellbeing of our people and clients we are proposing a new policy that will impact anyone entering an ACC office and location.
This week we are consulting with our people on a proposed vaccination policy that will require all ACC employees and visitors to ACC offices to have a valid Vaccine Pass from 15 December 2021.
The policy is designed to ensure we’re providing a healthy and safe work environment and supporting the wellbeing of our people.
If the proposal goes ahead, from 15 December:
- all ACC employees, contractors, providers, suppliers, and visitors at all ACC offices will require a valid Vaccine Pass
- new employees would need to be double vaccinated
- ACC employees without a valid Vaccine Pass would be able to work remotely until 28 February 2022.
“During the three months, we would work with our unvaccinated people to see if the nature of their work means they could permanently perform their role remotely or in cases where that was not possible, we’d look at redeployment options,” says ACC Chief Executive Megan Main. “Unfortunately If that was not possible, some of our unvaccinated people might no longer be able to work for ACC.
“While this is not ideal and in no way what we want for our people who choose, for their own personal reasons not to be vaccinated, implementing this policy would ensure ACC is providing a healthy and safe work environment for our people when New Zealand moves to its traffic light system as part of the Government’s approach to COVID-19.”
We are working through the implications of this proposal for our clients if implemented, to ensure it does not have any unintended impacts on access to ACC services for the small proportion of clients who visit our sites to discuss their recovery needs.
Consultation with ACC employees on the proposed vaccination policy opened on Monday 29 November and will close at 5pm on Friday 3 December.
Final decisions will be announced on Thursday 9 December.
If the proposal goes ahead, the policy will be effective from 15 December 2021.