Looking out for your workmates

Many injuries that are sustained here in Aotearoa will require time off work, which means more pressure on your team while you recover. To help prevent these injuries, we're launching a new campaign.
Around two thirds of the injuries that cause people to take time off work occur outside of their workplaces. These Preventable injuries are adding significant pressure to workplaces around New Zealand that are already stretched.
To address this, ACC has launched marketing activity that encourages New Zealanders to think about the impact their own injuries have (or would have) on their workmates.
To encourage people to help keep their workmates injury free ACC has released a series of online videos and other marketing activity that features some activities people receiving weekly compensation are getting injured through.
You can view the videos here:
The data behind the drama
ACC Injury Prevention Programme Lead James Whitaker says “Our data shows that people aged 20-29 are most likely to experience an injury outside of work that leads to time off work.
"People who work in the grocery, construction and meat processing sectors are more likely than some others to experience an injury outside of work that leads to time off work.”
We have created videos that will be used within a range of online contexts. We’ve also created online ads and a range of posters (including digital signage) that will be placed in gyms, sports stores, and other places where people in the targeted sectors are likely to spend time.
Each scenario shown in the content is carefully thought through. “They reflect priority industries and showcase people taking part in activities that lead to their injuries and time off work.
"It was really useful to be able to draw on our data to ensure we’re depicting reality and focusing on the right things” James said.
We really hope more New Zealanders take the time to have a hmmm then do things the smart way. By being injury free people can keep doing what they love and keep making valuable contributions in their workplace.