Have a Hmmm a winner at TVNZ NZ Marketing Awards

Our 'Have a Hmmm' campaign took home the Excellence Award for Public Sector Marketing Strategy at the 2022 TVNZ NZ Marketing Awards held in Auckland on 14 September.
Our 'Have a Hmmm' campaign took home the Excellence Award for Public Sector Marketing Strategy at the 2022 TVNZ NZ Marketing Awards held in Auckland on 14 September.
It's estimated that 90% of all injuries are preventable. Research shows that these injuries aren't random, unconnected or unpredictable - and we all have a part to play in stopping them. Each year we accept two million injury claims, at a cost of $4 billion annually - and they have a big impact on the wellbeing of the people of Aotearoa.
Have a Hmmm, launched in April 2021, is ACC’s long-term injury prevention behaviour-change programme. It’s a wero that challenges all of us in Aotearoa to have a hmmm before we get stuck in so we can avoid injuries that would otherwise affect our whānau, friends and workmates.
A year and half in to this work, our independent tracking research shows the approach is driving people to:
- think about the impact their injuries could have on others
- take a moment to think before acting
- take preventative actions
- gain a better understanding of the role ACC plays in helping people prevent injuries.
Thank you to everyone involved in supporting ACC in this important mahi.